Raid vs Mythic+ loot tables

No, I was just adding on to what that person said. We do need 2 ring slots. It’s certainly no worse than live.

This just seems like another stance of “don’t have fun how you want to. have fun how we want you to”.

At the end of the day, if I want to focus Mythic+ pushing, I should be able to by just doing mythic+. This change forces me to raid because the gear I get will not even be as strong as heroic raiding. You can argue that loot overall drops is lower, but at a certain point, enough people will have pieces out of mythic, heroic coupled with their weekly vault that gear will be traded around and gear at a rate that is exponentially faster than waiting around for my weekly vault from M+ and hoping that the options I get are good enough for me to pick.

This change single handedly has made the mythic+ community feel alienated. Blizzard has decided that if we want to play our preferred game mode, we have to play another game mode that we have grown out.

I should have a progression path that allows me to gear just as fast as someone that is Mythic raiding. Prior to 8.3 we at least had titanforging. As it stands, we do not have that, and our gearing options are being limited further in Shadowlands. This is a bad change. Period.


I don’t want to be dramatic here, but as somebody who does not mythic raid but is top 1% in both pvp and m+, this decision is an easy unsub for me. I am a top player in 2 of the 3 end game contents, but I have a gear disadvantage in that same content to somebody who mythic raids? I don’t get it, Blizz seems reluctant to change it, so that’s an easy decision on my end to finally throw in the towel on my sub.


I would have to spend more time digging through the drops and I was only looking at what a shaman could equip.

There are 51 mail armor and rings/neck/cloaks currently on the dungeon loot table that a shaman could use.

I did not do a count of trinkets or weapons, which of course vary by spec.

If each spec has 4 trinkets and 5 weps (reasonable? I don’t know I will have to wait until I’m home to check) that would be 60 items total that could be provided as options per spec as a shaman.

EDIT - I misread something on my list, and it’s 10 rings with 4 having duplicates. The 51 total items is still correct.

It still creates a distance of gear level pvp or M+ players don’t have access to.

If there was a PvP stat then I wouldn’t care but arguably you will still go for the +7 Ilvl gear in PvP especially considering you get a 233 Weapon from Denathrius.

They should just offer tokens for reaching a certain rating or clearing a certain m+ key and with it you can upgrade 3-4 pieces to 233

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So the odds are not nil then? Why lie?

Beating a dead horse at this stage, but I really don’t know any raider who doesn’t want ML back. It should never have been removed.


The problem is that M+ has no lockout and is infinitely spammable. It absolutely needs to be slowed down, it is was too good for how easy it is at the moment.

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Pretty sure that blue post didn’t have the calming affect they were going for there lol.

So no bonus rolls to target specific dungeon loot tables, but hey you can run a bunch of dungeons to get another CHANCE at the loot you wanted… mixed in with every other dungeon.

Guess let loot be loot and bonus rolls together removed too much rng from the gearing process.
Gotta knock that deterministic gearing gauge down a notch or two eh?

SL isnt shaping up to be the bright shining star we or they hoped for.
That light at the end of the tunnel of BfA… yeah… that’s a train coming to plow through you.
Blizz is mugging the classes and specs that are bugged, broken and otherwise spit upon and stealing their lunch money, or in this case bonus rolls.

Gg lol

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It’s not a lie, it’s hyperbole, as my DK still lacks any kind of rings, after all these loot boxes.

Currently and already since months you can run over n’zoth with ease, but m+ and pvp difficulty stayed the same and got even harder.

How’s that balanced?

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I had miss written the rings, there are actually 10 rings in mythic+ that cover all 6 combos with 4 duplicates.

Unfortunately mast/vers and haste/vers are the two without duplicates.

But one of the raid rings is mast/vers so you have 2 rings slots, and the PvP gear I think will always have vers but I admittedly have not looked at the PvP gear at all.

I hate you people so much.

Bonus rolls were just bonus AP tokens that sometimes you got gear. They were worthless and often made you feel worse when you didn’t get the gear you wanted.

Good change, IMO

Really crappy call guys, this is pretty trashy for alts. Stop always making alts such a pain.

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A few levels doesn’t seem like much in beta, but its the equivalent of 12 to 15 I level’s now.

Applause for making the statement. I feel that you’ve listened to some arena players, because for the last two expansions, you have had to be in duelist range to start competing with heroic raiding or modest m+ keys, and that’s felt bad. If we are now talking challenger being the equivalent of the heroic raid, that honestly feels way fairer.


For PvP I agree. For M+ I don’t because there are levels of keys that you need specific comps for. Or specific affixes/dungeons to actually be able to push them.

There are push weeks for a reason. And it would take dungeons or that level to equal the difficulty of a multi hundred pull final mythic boss.

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TGV sounds like it randomizes the loot table from the entire raid, so for example by WoWhead’s DB Eternal Palace in BFA had about 30 drops for havoc DH, so with TGV I would have a 1/30 chance of getting Ashvane’s Razor Coral each week, which for those who don’t know was a very strong trinket in 8.2 that people were still doing EP for in 8.3. If I killed Ashvane 2 times a week instead, and rolled 2 coins a week, I would get 3 chances at loot from Ashvane per week, one for each coin plus one for looting the boss itself weekly. I don’t know what the chance to get loot was but let’s assume it was 20%. Ashvane’s loot table for Havoc DH is 4 items, so by using the coin strat with these values I have (1/4)*(1/5) or 1/20 chance to get it, whereas I would have 1/30 with TGV if this were Shadowlands.

The designers really need to stop being so proud about randomized loot. This issue has been totally solved in other MMOs, which I won’t go into but let’s just say that in WoW the solution is to copy that model and if you kill a boss 10 times without getting the drop you want, you just vendor a token to get the thing you wanted with a 100% chance.

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16-30 mythic+ keys? For what? Now only mythical raid for weekly because chance for 233 ilvl (3 first braindead bosses maybe enough lmao…).

It’s not harder. PVP is just the usual 80% picking the correct meta class, 20% following the same script depending on the comp you face.

Except now there’s obscenely broken corruption effects to deal with.

And M+ just got progressively easier since the patch rolled out, especially once the corrpution vendor was released. More corruption resistance week after week + corruption stacking from the vendor = trivialised M+.

None of those levels reward any extra loot from +15. Any comp can clear +15s.

233s only drop from the last 2 bosses. Not the first 3.

My concern is loot isn’t going to feel rewarding

This is the entire point of the changes, to make loot feel MORE rewarding. The logic (although some may not agree with it) is that when there is less loot dropping each piece obtained feels more rewarding. Furthermore, with less RNG in warforging it should be easier to know what pieces to shoot for and feel better when you get those pieces.

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