By a few guilds, sure. The difference is, over time those numbers are skewed and flipped. The M+'s start becoming far more frequent and the other guilds don’t push the Mythic Raid in the crazy time those select top 100 guilds have, which leaves a huge gap. The first to finish something, doesn’t necessarily impact what occurs, overall. For example infinitely more people finish a +15 then ever see CE: Mythic Raid Achievement. Despite the fact guilds like Method may’ve pushed that in a week.
Also, time management and player management is something that IS VERY IMPORTANT. LOL If you do NOT HAVE THE PLAYERS you aren’t doing the content ANYWAYS. It matters not how easy or hard something is. That is the basis of it. /facepalm Something that requires more will always be more challenging for the masses to pursue, why? Because at the highest level of Mythic Raids, everyone needs to be pulling their weight for the most part. I burn out because of raiding, honestly. You have to put so much effort into it, then a small mistake turns into a massive wipe, and you never were involved with the mistake.
When you have 19 people that HAVE to be doing mechanics while pumping out great DPS/heals, yes that is by far the hardest when you then understand how many people decide to quit, get poached by other more successful guilds, etc. You are mostly LOCKED in with these guilds you pursue content with, unlike every other portion of this game, which you are choosing never to highlight and ignore in every response for “difficulty.”.
Also, you’re presuming PVE’ers want to manage a ton of different gearsets for different things. PVP to PVE, hell yes there needs to be different gear. M+'s to Raiding? No way. People WANT something to do outside of the 2-3 days they raid. Running M+'s was a good way of trying to get small upgrades inbetween. You’d be killing PVE gearing, for example if you made it so M+ gear was only beneficial in M+, as I’ve seen you or someone speak of. I’d NEVER touch an M+ if it didn’t benefit me overall. So now, you’re making there be less content for the overall masses.
Look at the statistical data of achivements and such from 8.0, 7.0. Etc, those are when the most content is being done as the games have the most people. Raiding is by far the most done feature. That isn’t something I can link, so you’ll have to go look at the facts for yourself also.
And again, I wouldn’t even consider myself a “raider”. I PVP more then I raid, hell I do M+'s more then I raid. I only raid two nights a week, or do when I play typically. Yet I play everyday. You’re presuming that my opinion is that of a “Raider” first mentality. It’s not.
You do the least to stir the pot in the end. You make sure the experiuence is as enjoyable for as many people as possible and then it evens out as the masses quit, as most do after a while into the new expac, that is WoW’s lifecycle. Sure you can try and do things that will keep people in for longer but WoW as a whole has been out for many, many years. Many players, like myself, just get burned out on old systems, in a game they’ve played since Vanilla. Nothing wrong with that either.