Raid Tuning Coming June 21

Because heroic is fine?

Mythic is like an ocean sized step up from heroic.


Is heroic fine? It is full of bugs, and there are parts that need attention. Or, maybe the developers could focus on other aspects of the game. Spending time nerfing the content that the least number of people see is a really bad way to spend your resources. If the people tuning mythic don’t have anything else to do, perhaps Blizzard has too many staff and could downsize a bit.


The latter. 75-90% damage nerfs don’t happen like 5 months into a tier because they did an oopsie and made it too hard. That’s a deliberate choice to allow more people to clear the raid who weren’t able to do it with the previous version.

This isn’t even the first round of major nerfs. They’re clearly doing it in steps to nerf the raid over time like they’ve done in the past.

Because Anduin is still a huge wall for a lot of people, way too easy to mess up and wipe on him.

This is the 1st raid in years and years that I probably won’t even try to clear and get AotC. It just stinks that bad and I have lost all interest in it.

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Raid was way over tuned. Jailer still needs more nerfs.

11 boss raid with multiple 300+ pull bosses holy f I haven’t seen a loot drop in years we have been extending lockout for 12 years.

Don’t listen to raid too easy crowd next time. Sod was perfect in terms of difficulty once we had r5 shards.

Nerf jailer more plz and thank you. That fight also just sucks it’s so boring.

And can some one please explain to me how the globe in the middle is Azeroth?


Yes, because the way it was tuned expected you to already be in full Mythic raiding gear, which made zero sense.

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Part of it is because getting 278 mythic gear isn’t that hard because of mythic+.

It’s kinda the expectation that relatively early into the tier every raid is going to be decked in a lot of mythic level gear.

So the raid expects it on top of them making it a mechanical nightmare.

Only from vaults though.

It’s a complicated topic because raiding isn’t a defined thing when it comes to TIME FRAME and the fact Blizzard isn’t transparent on how they design fights.

So let’s a say a normal raid team gets 20 pulls in a night, and they raid twice a week. Is that normal?? Are some bosses DESIGNED to take 20 pulls, and so a normal raid should be getting 1 boss a night?

What about a group that runs 4 nights a week? They’re going to run out of content. So where is the sweet spot of how hard to make a raid?

How hard is Mythic supposed to be?? Is it TRULY supposed to be for the 0.003% of players? These nerfs almost prove that Mythic would be more popular if raid tiers took longer, you could space out nerfs to allow more skill-levels to try it out and progress no matter what. And before the Elitists cry don’t forget-- your kills are time-stamped, so you can prove if you did it “when it was hard.” That’s a complete non-issue.

I just… it’s hard to read all the posts from people whining that these nerfs are too strong, their guild was gonna get it this week, etc… if you were better, you would have gotten it 3 weeks ago. Don’t these nerfs just prove YOU NEEDED THEM?? Yes and no, really. There are just so many variables that go into raiding it’s hard for me to say.

What I do know is that WoW has been at its best as a CASUAL game and the last two raids have been BRUTALLY difficult. And the worst part about the endless list of mechanics is that most of the time I’m not fighting the BOSS… what I’m fighting is an inadequate UI/ game engine.


They need to give M+/raid gear the pvp treatment. Its a lower ilevel outside of the content it dropped from.

Raiding is just so unrewarding now. My guild is extending until we get CE after our 2nd lihuvin kill. Reclears are so hard, its not worth the effort for a bunch of sidegrades and maybe a trinket. People that sit on the last 6 bosses wont even get to see them!

If we could eventually over power the early fights and trivialize the mechanics, like the game used to be played, none of this would be a problem. The nerfs would be organic.


Wouldn’t thus selling said runs be more available by more groups so prices go down. Then those who buy said runs might stick around longer. Plus tokens. Or some tinfoilish hat Phillip J Fry narrowed eyes meme.

There are only a couple posts in this thread like that.

There are a bunch on wowhead, but I’m pretty convinced most people who habitually post on wowhead don’t even play the game anymore.


I’m glad the raid is nerfed. Hope jailer gets another round of nerfs. Worst raid ever. Worst expansion ever.


But who was class tuning?


Where did you get this from? Correct me if I’m wrong, but Mythic raid participation has been slowly dropping with every expansion right?

If what you’re saying is true, then what you and “most people” find good for the game isn’t drawing more players in, it’s doing the opposite. You really still think Blizzard should listen to you? Now, I get this is GD but do you see how no one is agreeing with you on this one? You usually get a ton of likes. Bad take.

I don’t think I’ve ever disagreed with anything I’ve seen you post before. Mythic raiding has massive issues. Just because your guild may love Mythic as is doesn’t mean it’s well designed.

Yeah…that’s an opinion. I don’t like how scarce raid boss drops are. A vendor is a good start but bosses should drop more loot in general.

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Last time I looked on Raider IO I saw you were the #2 DPS DH in the world. Couldn’t you raid with a better guild? I took a quick peek and you’re raiding with some 3k IO plebeians…

This is a strong point that has a lot of merit.

When THE ENTIRE TIER OF SotFO our team has finished raiding and literally laughed any time some pathetic i265 gear drops (assuming anything drops at all) and the VERY FIRST THING anyone says is: “ok, who’s up for some M+ so we can get some upgrades?”

I get what Blizzard is doing by putting INSANELY OP gear in M+ where there isn’t much challenge to get that gear … as an effort to push more people to do that content … really, I get it. That still doesn’t change the fact you’re making it feel like even MORE of a chore to raiders.

If would be SOOOOOOO much more fun to just gear up in the raid I’m doing (wow, what a concept!) and just like Ixium said let the gear do the work.

+10 upvotes on that one.


Lies. Stop lying online, it’s dumb and cringe. People are already unlikely to be swayed by what you say online, when you start lying you might as well throw everything you typed into the trash bin. For the first 12 weeks of the patch, raid was the exclusive source of the most powerful loot, the only loot that mattered. M+ loot didn’t exist until around the 12th or 13th week of the patch because the entirety of your character sheet was overshadowed by whether you had 2-pc and 4-pc which only came from raids.

No. As you said, raid was the source for TIER and you’re right about its power requirement.

But you conveniently (ignorantly?) don’t seem to grasp that you still need to upgrade the other 11/15 slots. Tier was the MOST important, but it’s only FOUR slots. The other *ELEVEN still have to get upgraded. “Raid was the source for the most powerful loot… FOR FOUR SLOTS.” Fixed that for you.

ALLLLL the other gear, as I said, came from M+.

No sane person would disagree with that. Anyone who’s done M+ knows the rewards are vastly disproportionate to the risk. But… your post hasn’t convinced me you’re sane, either.