“It’s a community event” kekw.
Or just make mythic raids not drop gear.
They already don’t give gear for harder keys or higher PvP.
There is no gear from +25s.
That’s is no gear from 2800 arena.
Then if people can’t beat it who cares.
they shouldn’t worry about the top 10 guilds.
they should make content for the top 1000 guilds.
or whatever. tailoring the content to a tiny tiny fraction of an already small group of players is asinine.
I recognize that as a mid-tier CE (though obvs not this tier ) mythic raider I’m biased, but the raid tuning, one-shots, complexity, etc, is getting ridiculous.
What should happen is that blizzard shouldn’t give a rats back end what those guilds want and just make a game for the masses. Mythic was fine the way it was before. Trying to tune it around a couple dozen top end players makes no sense. And those players know that too.
We all know that.
But through all of our protests they just don’t care. They keep on plugging along thinking that if they cover the extreme edge cases on both ends of the spectrum, that everyone in the middle is “covered”.
Changing aspects about mythic raiding that most people generally like is not a good way to improve the game.
The top 1000 guilds don’t pull views on twitch or get people hyped to resub and raid. WFR is a marketing event for Blizzard that they only have to support by releasing the raid and doing a few hot fixes as the event unfolds.
“Most people” like fights that require multiple MDs or specifically requiring exactly a BDK in 1 of 2 tank slots? “Most people” like the raid skips being functionally useless during progression? “Most people” like downing a boss and DEing everything that dropped?
(X) Doubt.
Blizz using the community to crowdfund hype/revenue for the game again kek
It’s all blizzard has for streaming event because nobody cares about watching arena or keys.
You are dreaming if you think the below is requested by mythic guilds. More loot would be great but people would actually finish their sets in 2 weeks. This isn’t the right solution, what they’re adding into the game in s4 with the vendors is the better solution than doubling the loot.
Most guilds that don’t have a BDK / MD in their roster at this point won’t get to a boss until it’s in the state of the original post. It’s a twenty man raid, with this many people it allows them a pretty safe bet that guilds will have at least 1 warlock, 1 DK (dps or tank) and 1 priest.
Instead of this why not just add some sort of buff that increases every week or 2? With classic WOTLK there must be some people there updating ICC thinking “oh right this worked pretty well.”
Difficulty of raiding has increased dramatically since WoTLK. a 5% buff would do absolutely nothing for guilds stuck on Halondrus, Anduin, Rygelon.
5% is more than enough for some. And the way it worked is it progressively stacked a little more and a little more, up to 30%! So if 5% isn’t enough, eventually having 30% probably would be.
No, I don’t think you’re fully understanding what i mean. What i mean is the boss has instant wipe mechanics if a single person messed up. These would not be remedied by a buff to health or damage. Guilds with poor players would still immediately wipe.
If they did put them on a tournament realm it would be a much better community event then it currently is. Everyone would be on an even playing field as well.
I am glad I downed Heroic Anduin before he got beat hard with the nerf bat.
At this point, why not give everyone the AOTC mount upon login?
You’ve ruined the raid. I am glad I don’t raid much anymore, because it’s become boring as heck.
Honestly, if guilds can’t do it - either they aren’t trying or need to learn to improve. Tired of this game catering to casuals.
“Raids tuned perfectly!” in rolls in its 30th major nerf lol
Absolutely nobody has said its perfectly tuned, It was very tightly tuned which a lot of guilds liked including myself. That said, Blizzard seems to really think every guild who has downed 1 mythic boss should hurry up and get cutting edge based on these nerfs.
No you don’t fully understand what you’re saying. 5% damage healing and health turns death mechanics into near death mechanics. For significantly overkill mechanics, shorter fights mean less opportunities for these to wipe the raid.
There were also raid wipe failure mechanics in ICC as well, so that isn’t even a valid argument.
Not if it is not a damage based wipe. Failed mechanics can cause an instant wipe period… not just make people take a ton of damage and die.