Yeah. There are things Blizzard will do, and there are things Blizzard won’t do.
Nerf a raid to heck so CE analytics look more similar to previous tiers? Sure.
Delay a major event in the game and/or jeopardize the release of the whole expansion because a handful of people feel it bruises their ego to be given a soft ball? No shot.
If you hate Anduin your going to HATE Rygelon. He will make you quit raiding.
Exactly. I mean it sucks for them, and I get that, but anyone that thought there was any chance of Blizzard delaying were lying to themselves.
SoD was 8-9 months long. This is currently 5 months.
So, it is ok for them to spit on the Raiding crowd but not the M+ crowd? Of course they could always use the suggestion of just pushing the raiding portion back a month as well.
Buddy, the raid tier ends in 4 weeks.
More people do M+ than get CE. Not saying it is right, but that is the reality.
Okay? So why nerf it at all now? That’s my point. Leave it be. There’s no reason to throw these kinds of nerfs at the tail end.
I’d imagine because just yesterday people were complaining they wouldn’t have time to get CE… maybe now they will.
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This has been a fairly standard tier length. We’re just not getting the extended content-lull final tier since they’re trying to fill the gap this time. It’s okay if people don’t finish.
Apparently they, and Blizzard, disagree. I have no horse in this race, I haven’t done CE since MoP. It seems pretty clear though.
It can’t be compared to previous patches time because SL took a long time between patches or even to final patches from previous expansions because Blizzard doesn’t want to left the M+,PVP community without anything for a low % that does Raid, while at the same time providing raid content with the S4 affix while releasing DF 2022, the only solution for part of the community its to delay DF like 3months but a lot of the players are tired of SL too. there’s not a good solution on the eyes of the playerbase, Blizzard will take the best approach for income.
And SoD didn’t have ATOC mount…this one did. And they are making AOTC short.
AOTC mount will be provided during S4 isn’t atached to the achievement, it’s a reward for completing the raid on heroic during its corresponding expansion. There’s a post on wowhead with more details
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I’m not even talking about CE. I’m talking about heroic. Currently, there are over 2000 US guilds that are progressing through heroic. Even with nerfs, the chances of the bulk of these guilds finishing is nil.
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Good, let’s roll on season 4 M+ season here we go =)
Same man… same. We had a 4% wipe the other night that took out all motivation from my group. Literally what 20 seconds till down?
But in all honesty, this has been the roughest raid in the roughest expansion to date. I can’t remember when my group literally couldn’t actually complete AotC with months to spare.
Even still, likely more still do M+. I am not trying to shout you down, I promise… but if they had to screw someone it is always going to be what affects the least people.
Like I said, it sucks, but I am not surprised in the least.
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They don’t have to screw anyone.
Allow AOTC & CE for Sepulcher during season 4, just like you could get AOTC/CE for Helya after Nighthold released (even though Nighthold had higher ilvl loot and tier gear).
Cancel the raiding portion of season 4 and make season 4 M+ only.
That would actually be a good idea. I don’t think I have seen anyone from the raiding side excited in the least for fated raids.