Raid story mode?

This was supposed to become available today, right? Can’t figure out how to start it.


Why would you do that with little to no loot just to see last boss when you can LFR and get easy kills with decent loot?

Maybe they want to take their time, and hear the dialogue, see the inside of the raid zone? LFR is another speedfest like HD’s.


Their initial post about it said when the last wing of lfr launches

No, says 9/17:™-season-1-and-raid-schedule-overview


I said initial post, maybe that was a typo, since it’s not in

Here’s to hoping its not going to be corrected here shortly.

Could have potentially ran into problems with its release, explaining the pushbacks on the extended maintenance.

I too would like to enjoy story mode.

That post and the news article are 2 months apart. Looks like they initially were planning on releasing at same time as end LFR but changed their minds.


Raid story mode?

You mean YouTube?


No, Story Mode.

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When has blizz ever stuck to anything for 4 months, and there has been several posts that include updated info on SM Raid.

Well, considering it’s not in…

It’s only an extra week

Because I value loot far less than I value never seeing another LFR chat for the rest of my days.


Lol like i win anything when i run lfr


That is seeming to be a recurring theme with this expansion so far.

How many times should we accept “It’s just another week” ?

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I mean… don’t really see the point in delaying it either, it’s not an exciting cutscene or anythinf

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Not sure what to do. I checked a bunch of places. It’s not a Raid Difficulty you can select with right-click on your Character. There’s no explanation anywhere. Was hoping to try it and see if it was a satisfying conclusion, but like just about everything, all their decisions post-launch seem to be at the expense of new or returning players.

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I know I, and others, would greatly appreciate any response to this with potentially instructions on where to go or whom to talk to to be able to start the Story Mode of this raid. As even WoWhead has just posted it should be available right now.


yeah its downright bad alongside Nzoth defeat and DF ending.

They’ve got 9 more days from me if they want to keep me around. Every day, lately, has been another day of frustrations as I discover something else broken or infuriating.

For those that didn’t find how to do story mode, there’s a quest line for the Vizier in City of Threads that leads to the final quest “To Kill a Queen”.

The quest leads you to an NPC called Kriz the “Loyal” <Queen’s Attendant>, near the Raid, down by the right set of stairs, just before the stairs that lead to the entrance.
Talking to him queues you/your group up to an instance for the Story Mode, just like a Follower Dungeon with the remaining spots being filled with NPCs.

Also, I don’t know if it’s a bug or intended, I received no drop for the kill, just the quest completion.