Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

3 weeks, 3-6 hours depending on how good everyone knows how to play their class and raid mechanics


Could you please pass this on to whoever it’s relevant to:

The community really needs to know this sort of thing well in advance, not the week before. A lot of casual players have been looking forward to getting the mount for months because the achievement text never implied it was Normal only. Most of them won’t even step in Normal, but those who would have forced themselves to do the content they don’t like for a reward they want are going to find themselves ill-prepared for fated normal difficulty. I’m not even sure what the required item level will be.

Second, we don’t know if Fated will only be for season 4 or if it will exist post-expansion. Will casuals be able to come back and earn the mount in Dragonflight? Or will Fated and all its associated rewards disappear as soon as Dragonflight launches? I can understand the mythic and potentially heroic ones being time-limited, but the mount is something most players who want it will be unable or reluctant to get if they have to deal with manually-made groups and gatekeeping.

(Speaking of which, please, Blizzard, keep removed content in expansions to a minimum. I know there are a vocal group that talk about prestige, but they’re the only ones who care about it. Most other players just want to be able to work toward customising their character’s aesthetics the way they want, and being told “sorry, you could only get this two years ago” results in a disappointed player with less to do, which I don’t think balances out a player who has it feel good about themselves. A compliment now and then versus hundreds of players having hours of content to work through.)

And this is just a personal thing, probably no one else cares, but I really miss the SoO Flex system: higher than LFR difficulty, manually-made groups, but LFR style wings of the raid that could be used to earn normal-mode achievements. I would do a lot more post-LFR raiding if Normal was set up like that, with shorter wings. One of the big barriers to me doing manually-grouped raiding is the prospect of wasting time either missing out on a boss because Group 1 fell apart and Group 2 started further into the raid, or having to re-do bosses with no drops because Group 2 starts earlier than I got with Group 1. The MoP style of Flex raiding mostly solved that issue by providing Normal-equivalent content in more easily digestible, readily-accessible chunks of three bosses a pop. IF these rewards have to be anti-LFR and IF they have to be time-limited, I would ask the development team to strongly consider bringing that style of ‘Normal’ raid back in the future.


That isn’t how the friendship runs work. That also, isn’t how life works, considering people that play casually don’t know the raids. Dude the more you talk the more you show you have no earthly clue what you are talking about.


Is there any way this can be changed until August 2nd? With all the information we had so far, I was sure this could be done in LFR difficulty. I was focusing on leveling alts and having fun instead of looking for a guild or trying to get better gear. That’s a bummer…


Thank you Blizzard for excluding people with social anxiety once again.

Much rather would have had this than the ancient tree, alas.


Some people can, some people can’t, for a large variety of reasons some of which are well out of our control.

No reason to exclude the people who can’t, except a sense of gamer elitism that would be better left behind.


So I guess what you don’t seem to understand is that the community wouldn’t have a problem with this if Blizzard would have communicated this point at a much earlier date or even just used their fancy new Encryption to hide all this like they did with the Dark Ranger stuff, but they didn’t and now that they are moving the goal post at the last second. So unless you are gonna have a meaningful discussion and not demean others for their work schedules or disabilties please leave the thread


Which, honestly, is nice to see and, hopefully, y’all will take that to heart before the season starts.


Friendship moose type events are amazing but only help out people who can raid during limited time slots. For those of us who work off work hours and can only raid from 1pm-4pm, it is extremely difficult to find a group.

I really hope Blizzard can find a way to make this through LFR seeing as that will be Fated as well. Otherwise I will likely be buying a boost, which from what I understand Blizzard would like to discourage. But this change is promoting people to do just that =/


The achievements have said “complete the raid on any difficulty” for months. Now the blue is saying that they actually meant “any difficulty except LFR”.

That’s a big change. It’s 25% of all difficulties being excluded less than a week from the patch. LFR is rumored to be the most populated raiding difficulty - this means that at least 25% of all raiders have now learned that they will not get the mount unless they start doing another raiding difficulty.

It is a last minute change.


I will voice my opinion on this. Imo this is a very bad decision to put it lightly. S4 was meant as a “so you have something to do til Dragonflight that might also be a tad fun”. So baring the LFRaiders from this seems be done without any proper reason. And while im usually not a big fan of all the “fomo posts” i will agree that this applies in this case here given the popularity of the slime cat mount to begin with.

That we also assumed it would be obtainable through any difficulty with LFR also being fated as well. Which heavily adds to the frustation of the playerbase right now.


If the intent is to spare players from additional costs involving upgrading legendaries, know that this does nothing for it.

Having legendary items with lower item level than mythic difficulty loot means the more engaged players will have to recraft their already existing legendaries into less expressive slots, with lower main stat loss over mythic gear (probably a ring and a necklace).

It would be interesting if the last boss of a fated raid dropped, once a week and regardless of difficulty, a token with a similar item level to an end-of-raid mythic boss item that could be used to upgrade one legendary and make up for the item level difference.


Wow, that’s not what the in-game achievement text says. Totally moving the goal posts and a bad decision on Blizzards’ part.


If they told in advance then you’ll plan out your unsub times. Plus also it’s obvious they are scrambling to put things together like a kid finishing a project on Sunday night before school.


More of that Indie company stuff… So cool…

and then people wonder why I don’t prepurchase anymore.


This right here


Ironically I’m more likely to unsub now over feeling misled than I would have been if they announced the cat as being Normal or higher from the start.


Decisions like this have made me not even want to buy DF! I have always preordered expansions, even SL, but i have seen way to much focus on the 10% of the players in this game during SL. It has turned me off 100%. Since this new team stepped in, they could not even give us the same ilvl increase that Korthia , for ZM gear! They HALVED the ilvl increase for the same amount of work!

This decision is the last straw, i will finish leveling my 11th alt in a day or 2, and i am done with this trash forever, unless they do a complete 180 on their decision making, and stop treating casual and solo players like trash!


what a joke


In addition to what Neryssa said about this being 30 bosses as opposed to one, this is another reason why “Friendship Cat” won’t happen. The groups that are doing Friendship Crab will be focusing on that because we know it’s time limited and difficult, “Friendship Cat” will be a personal undertaking of joining random pugs and hoping.