Raid or Die is Stupid

There are less people playing the game overall. Since Wrath we went from 12mil to … idk maybe 2mil??? Of course the net sum of raiders will decrease. Same logic can be applied for dungeon runs. I’m arguing the percentage of players (not counting the multitudes of alts running around).

The burden of proof is on you.

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This change makes zero sense. WoD failed in part because there was no meaningful character progression outside of raiding.

Keys were added to Legion to mitigate this and were wildly successful. End of dungeon M+ gear did not invalidate heroic raiding, the M+ weekly reward did.

There will be zero reason to run M+ outside of the number required for the weekly chest.

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I love that they say m plus is worthless no it’s not just wont get raid lvl gear for not raiding

Is 3 levels really that big of a deal?

People complaining about raiding giving the best gear?

/clears throat

Tale as old as time…

1 piece per dungeon was reducing the shower of gear.

Making end of dungeon loot lower ilvl than herioc raids, is a Raid or Die model.


Raid or die was wod and classic… Possibly tbc. M+ you can still gear just at a slower rate.

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It’s a really weird change to me. A +15, especially at the start of the season, is definitely more difficult than a heroic raid.

So why it drops at a lower ilvl? Who knows. Probably something arbitrary like most of Blizzard’s decisions.

No, it just comes across as odd to me for the reason pointed out above.

Unless you do it for the challenge. This was bound to happen. Anyone could see it. M+ was to fast and to efficient of way to gear. It needed to bring down a notch to balance out other forms of gearing.

I am just wondering how you would know? I mean you have hardly even scratched mythic+ keys and you don’t have a single heroic raid kill in the last three teirs.

Remember when all the heroic and mythic raiders cried on here for 3 weeks when the benethic gear trivialized 2 mythic raid loot slots lol.

And they did. They removed wf/ tf/ corruption. They removed the ability to 2 or 3 chest for additional gear. They are going to lower the item rewards to 1 per 5 people for completion.

Now they want it to reward sub-heroic level gear? LoL.

Seems like overkill. I would do a scaling system + 5 to +14 keep the way it is now below raid. +15 or above equal or slightly higher then heroic raids.

you still get a mythic level piece of gear in yoru weekly chest! not to mention you have the option of 3 226 pieces of mythic level gear if you do 15 +15’s! you arent hindered at all, you are infact getting it easier because 14+ gives you 226 gear. yall just made thyat you cant buy a 15+ key, stack the armor type you want and get easily geared without effort.

Plus is this another instance of people treating datamined wowhead trash like gospel again. Because nothing ever changes on a beta.

Also on the beta it’s not 1 drop per dungeon it’s 1 drop less than BFA.

So timing a dungeon is still 2 drops.

Umm you can raid for that bud.

You get to pick 1 piece from that chest, for M+ Raid and PVP.

0 reason to ever do M+ again.

This toon is just proof ilvl is meaningless. A lower ilvl with proper azerite and secondary stats would out dps him any day of the week.

But keep crying about muh raid lootz.

I’ve been dead since Warlords, apparently. Oh well, it’s a nice afterlife.

Honestly, WTF did any of what you just said have to do with what I asked? I didn’t ask if you had good AZ traits or corruptions. I pointed out you have NO experience in any level of raiding and barely any in mythic+.

But go ahead and pretend like you are an expert on them.

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