Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

Equinox just did a post that said first week clear normal/heroic raid then spam level 8 delves to fill out gear.

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Given your alternative would be m0s then yes that makes sense.

Then mythic+ comes out a week later and you never do them again. To the surprise of nobody.

Almost like I’ve been saying this for months.

Delves aren’t for us, that’s fine, most we’ll be doing them is week 1 and maybe to fix a slot if we’re unlucky in week 2.

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It’s said about WoW that the “real game” starts at 70, but for me the “real game” started when I decided to stop playing the “real game” and to start playing the game I enjoyed: World Content, low-stakes groups, transmog and mount farming, and keeping my social contacts to a bare minimum.

You can fairly question why I’d play an MMO at all if that’s how I’m going to play it, but I just think of it the way M+ players think of pathing and skipping. I get to where I want to get by avoiding what I want to avoid.

Eh, this is probably due to the new level twelve affix. Though the rewards don’t increase past ten so who knows. Maybe a consequence of delves?

Heroic dungeons open August 26th…

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Leave me out of this. I want no part of this conversation.

I agree with you.

That dos not even make sense…

I don’t see where in the blue post it supports that there is a 13 iLvl gap between Hero track a Myth track. +8 Great Vault awards Hero 4 at 619…+10 Great Vault awards Myth 1 at 623. Myth 1 and Hero 5 being the same iLvl is how it currently is on live, and there is only a 6 lvl gap between the 2 tracks currently.

Are they removing upgrade levels of Hero track or adding upgrade levels to Myth track to make it a 13 iLvl gap?

I mean you can’t spam delves so its a weird strat. Unless they are gonna group camp rares even then don’t the keys get rarer each kill?

I agree that gating M+ is dumb, but it should be noted that you did still need 2 levels of aspects on the final 2 upgrades for hero items in order to be within 6 ilvl of a maxed out Myth item.

I’m pretty sure you can spam delves just like you could torghast.

Yes, but you can’t loot them without a key. You more or less get one free a week but additional keys come from rares and each one has a lower and lower drop chance.

Rest In Pepperonis

Yes but they aren’t queueable until September 10th. You can walk in with a group but you can’t just sign up to a queue.

That’s how we’ve done heroic dungeons at expansion launch for a while, now, since we’re doing them way below the min ilvl for queueing.

It still feels kind of weird and unnecessary… I guess its to stop spamming? I don’t know its not a big deal at all I just don’t personally see the point of it.

Because they’re harder and queueing gives the 20% damage healing and health buff to offset the difficulty to make them unfailable.

Remember heroics are what M0s were now. They want them to have some teeth right at the start before putting them on queue forces them to be trivial.

What feels weird and unnecessary? The dungeons not being available during early access, when Blizzard said from the beginning that they wouldn’t be available in early access?

Expansion launches on the 26th.

O my mistake. I thought they were like that for the first week where you couldn’t queue for them not the early access thing.

Yeah it’s.

No dungeons until 26th.

Queueable normal and player group heroic until 10th.

Queueable normal, heroic, and player formed m0 until 17th.

M+ opens 17th.