Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

For those unaware, blizzard has just officially announced that mythic track items are going to scale significantly higher than they have since the introduction of the system we have now. Not only that, but with heroic raid being introduced much earlier than mythic+ opening up, raiders will get even more of an edge than mythic+ players.

This is not only bad for mythic+ only players, but it is very bad for heroic raiders as well. The gap between your heroic items and mythic items will be 13 item levels as opposed to the 6 it has been. It really, really seems like to me that Ion has been given absolute free reign for this expansion for some reason. Increased difficulty across the board, pull size going way down in keys like he always said he wants, and now raid or die is back.

I knew I was holding back from buying the expansion for something. Even if it is only gold from me, they finally solidified a difficult decision for me.


You are not outlining how the game is raid or die.

“mythic raiding gives slightly better rewards” is not raid or die.


Enjoy your dying.



I’m not sure an expansion that added delves as a progression track for solo players and small groups could possibly be called “raid or die.” :upside_down_face:


As it should be.

Btw OP, mythic or raiding in general will be more accessible than ever so I really see no issue here.


Doing more difficult content is slightly more rewarding. Not seeing the problem here.


This won’t effect me in the slightest. Whether they outgear me or not I’ll still play circles around them


yep raid or die is finally back after the great successful m+ season 2 and 3. thx but keep your waiting simulator for

  • no warlock
  • walk back
  • form new group after 1 wipe
  • killing guilds
  • many more

tww looks promising is the old guard from bfa back? who made this drunk games in the company. feels like they throw the good changes away and made 10 steps back lol

mythic raid should not reward gear. ff14 handles it way better. who has 20 friends. i dint even know 20 players who play this game :rofl:


Name checks out.


They could offer me a yacht if I but set foot into a Mythic raid and I still wouldn’t do it.
Raiding in general frustrates and disgusts me.


I dunno. It seems overly aspirational.


Man, I can’t even wrap my head around the whole “I need the highest gear tier and I need that tier to be miles above or don’t bother” mindset. Like, maybe it’s an age thing? I’m older and just… don’t care. Item level for me is “how fast do I clear my transmog farm” and generally speaking that’s suitably gained through catch up mechanisms and just middle of the road effort-economical content engagement.

Sorry you’re discouraged, I just can’t relate.


How is it back?

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Oh no the players who play the hardest endgame content are going to have a few item levels on the people who do the easiest endgame content the world is truly over.


But M+ is supposed to be tough. In fact, anything that gives you upwards of Mythic raid loot should be tough and require solid coordination at the start of a season imo. You want those skilled players to stand out more!

It’s also only 1 week and you likely don’t need Mythic ilevel to clear a Heroic raid. I think it’ll be fine as you all progress in your guilds on the raid anyway.

Good thing I only Raid once, for a One-time Story watch/Read


they dont need the gear to clear the highest content. they do it in hc gear in week 2. bad players like we all need gear and thats a fact. now it hurts 99.9% and 0.1% can have the “fun”


Y’all realize this is just early morning troll bait right?


How? Could you expand on this?