Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

Alright… still feels weird. Are they worried people won’t be able to clear heroic dungeons? I can’t recall dying in them beyond being a goof and walking a mount over a ledge.

Well now I’m just confused because earlier you quoted this guy:

They buffed heroic to what old m0s were.

yeahhhh OP is just whining about nothing.

I got 2500+ and AotC all 3 main seasons for DF and never once needed to max my ilvl or even have fully geared hero track gear to do that by any means… now I COULD have grinded out great vault for Myth track or tryharded to get into mythic raiding but I got all the relevant big rewards (portals, transmogs, mount, achieve) without ever worrying about a single myth track item (when I got one it was a nice little bonus upgrade).

If you’re grinding M+ hard in the first place you’re 100% getting 3x myth track choices from great vault every single week, which means you’re LIKELY to get about 1 piece per week without every touching mythic raiding.

It blows my mind that people are complaining about the easiest most powerful gearing system ever (which IS M+). Mythic raiders are gonna get full upgrades before those players but god who cares lol you can get 3kIO well before having full myth gear…

My point being, I’m in my mid 30s and am more casual than my teenage years but even recognizing a more tryhard attitude these people are STILL wrong lol


Fair enough I guess still seems weird to me but worst case its just using lfg or guild to gear for mythic plus and raid.

Yeah it’s not going to matter really.

I agree with you fully. This is a problem that will just exist in the game until they split high end M+ and raiding. The problem with M+ is it is more akin to Diablo than it is Warcraft. I even peeked in your profile to see what else you had posted since someone acused you of being a troll (you’re not) and saw this:

That definitely is a source of confirmation to me. I’ve said it a few times, Blizzard really blew it not making D4 focused on M+ type gameplay so people such as yourself had your own dedicated sandbox to play in.

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Even more of an edge in what? Raiding? Obviously.

OP probably heard raid or die used a few times, but never actually played the game when raiding was literally the only way to get gear past dungeon blues.

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OP mellowed out after things were kinda played out / explained in full. People coming in here angrily agreeing with the initial post are kinda making themselves look a little silly.

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to quote a certain famous detective: they see, but they do not observe.

yeah if they keep this gearing track as it currently is, im just going to not play the game.

i love playing mythic plus, but i absolutely hate raiding.

i refuse to raid. literally no one wants to sit there and schedule two-three nights a week for an entire expansion and always be online for raiding on those days for the next two years.

what needs to happen is make raid loot scale down 50 ilvl when in a mythic plus dungeon and mythic plus loot scale down 50 ilvl when in a raid.

this way, people who don’t like to raid don’t have to

and people who don’t like mythic plus don’t have to.

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Without also doing M+, the gap was already 13 for heroic raiders.

Remember that heroic raid (no M+) does not have access to aspect’s crests, except for a very limited quantity late in the season.

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Lol I am willing to bet my 401k that you will not only be playing but you will buy the EPIC edition and be playing early like the rest of us.

Its a literal guarantee.


Remember when bg/arena gear became easy to get in tbc? “welfare epics”.


This is exactly correct, and I share your amusement.

A majority of my guild hates M+. I can convince about half the raid team to do it, but I’m tired of having to pressure them that way. “Do this thing you hate or you’re holding back our heroic progression.” Not worth the stress. And I get it - stick a timer on something and I’m going to avoid doing it myself.

Raids have been much harder for us as a result. Our top guys ilvl cap in a couple weeks and barely progress, so we end up waiting on the rest of the raid to slowly accumulate worse gear doing the content we’re actually there for. There’s a psychological rift that forms - the “carriers” and the “carried” - that is uncomfortable among friends who have been playing the game together since Vanilla. We’re good at managing that, but the game is forcing this confrontation and boldly defining those lines. That’s bad.

The power gain of M+ has been way too dominant (forcing questionable balance decisions) and it needs toning down. I want raid difficulty to be balanced on the gear that drops from that raid. That would be helpful to Heroic raiders. (also, personal loot as an option please)


We still haven’t got any confirmation to how PvP’ers are going to upgrade their PvP gear’s base ilvl… With the removal of vault, all of our gear will be stuck on the Veteran track, since Conquest gear bought from PvP vendor is Veteran track only. The only way to get PvP gear on a higher track was through the vault dependent on your rating.

Been asking so many times on beta forums what their plan is with item upgrades for PvP gear, and no response.

I said a little while ago, after 20 years, WoW is no longer a game for kids, it’s a game for people with kids.


Mythic raids should have the highest reward tier, and I say this as someone who doesn’t mythic raid, and mostly does m+.

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If your in-game goal is to have the highest ilevel possible in the game, then blizz has always “forced” you into specific content.

my in-game goals have been to get 2k rating on a couple of toons and fairly casually m+ and lfr. DF was pretty good, in my opinion, for allowing me to get and upgrade and/or craft the gear I needed to reach that goal. my highest toons are at 507 ilevel and that is fine with me.

i hated the DF recrafting system. I have no idea if that is staying in TWW.

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