Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

Because at the end of the day it’s always going to be relative, you assign value to things yourself. Post nerf Tindral was a huge wall for many guilds, even if the pre nerf version we killed was significantly harder. Both are valid accomplishments and I feel no less of that after it was nerfed, nor do those who killed it later feel their experience diminished for having the fight brought down to something they could handle.

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lmao guess you’re still upset over being called “stillbad”

dont care i PVP bro

It’s weird that they’d armory troll people in this thread when half their achievements were awarded by just logging into the game for the first time.

This is like the first time mplus has had a down side. You’ll be ok.

For me, smaller group is more fun

Idk how anyone in your guild posts seriously.

In your guild across multiple servers? Because everyone I see in that guild always have super terrible takes.

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we are all the same people you know . stop all these exaggerations

That’s a very valid reason lol.

Do you feel forced to raid? I assume mythic+ gear will be sufficient to complete mythic+?

Isn’t that a state motto someplace? Raid free or die?

That isn’t quite what I had in mind. I was thinking more that Blizzard would introduce a points system for the raid slots in vault. It would take 200 points, 400 points, and 700 points to unlock the first, second, and third slots, respectively. Also those slots would also contain 25%, 50%, and 100% of your weekly aspect crests (at mythic level).

  • Killing a boss would give you 100 points.
  • Progress on a boss, measured by how many pulls you had that represent getting the boss lower than previous boss attempts, would also award some number of points; the cap for progress points would be 1 point less than the number of bosses you’ve extended + the one you’re working on. So for example if you’ve extended on boss 6, the cap for progress would be 599 points. Killing boss 6 would up that cap to 699.

I fully acknowledge this is VERY rough and there probably needs to be a lot more thought put into avoiding ways it can be abused. But I feel like having some way to reward extending is better than having nothing, even if it’s convoluted.

Nag, I don’t like to pug anyway, so I just pretend it doesn’t exist.

I used to raid, but you have to not play with friends to get a good raid team

It’s multiple mass invite spam guilds with the same name.

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Its a bruce willis movie

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It’s a zerg invite guild, I use it for the hearthstone CD. So maybe that’s why.

I asked a question, Ellipsis provided a thoughtful answer and I moved on.

You do you though boo.

YES! that’s it. silly me. State motto… who’d put “die” in their state motto…


I stop at heroic raid because I don’t care to do mythic. I don’t care if some mythic raider has 20 ilvl or whatever it is over me.

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“Officially announced” but no source of this official announcement. However, I will for once take your word for it. My response is: so what? If you’re only raiding Heroic or running keystones what does it matter that Mythic raiders have better gear than you do, when they always have? I’ve usually stopped at Ahead of the Curve or Mythic progression halfway through the raid anyways, and has that ever stopped me from completing content even on out-of-meta classes and specializations? No, never.

The more I think about it, the more it’s the heroic raid releasing a week earlier than mythic+ that is upsetting. Perhaps I will just pug it. Shouldn’t be too bad.