Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

Like gearless “challenge” pve dungeons? That sounds familiar somehow.


It’s hard to design a system that gives rewards while extending, basically rewards for killing nothing.

Don’t see that changing, or if it’s possible to change without opening massive exploitation.

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Yes. Go to raiderio and look at last season. I was over 3.2k without even trying that hard. Got there because it was the requirement for my boosting discord, and stopped. This season I planned to go for 3.4 or 3.5.




vault is still mythic track so less so.

You would think then, that you’d have the common sense to see that this topic is a non-issue.

Yeah, it’s also the heroic opening the week that we only have m0 that irks me as well though

I think staying above the curve in mythic+ is still going to be extremely important, but I don’t think that curve is influenced by raid ilvl as much as you might think. Two crafted items is still BIS, the raid items themselves don’t drop at a higher ilvl they just have more aspect crest investment options. It’s going to take months for players to acquire enough crests to start pushing their average relative ilvl past what was available in DF S3. The people who will gain are the ones who clear the raid in the first two months, but their ecosystem was already pretty detached from the average pug experience.

What will change is it’ll be significantly harder to acquire / justify using items with tertiaries because the major source of that was farming m+ dungeons.


One week delay doesn’t change things much really.

I do wonder if extending is going to become less common with the stacking raid buff. Reclears will get easier and easier.

huh? What? wait. Just because I play solo all the time doesn’t mean I want to do solo content. I want to raid solo as well. I can’t fight about loot solo. How am I going to gripe about people rolling on loot we both want against me and winning solo? think of that?? no.

Sick of this non solo player raid or die bias in this game.

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I wish we didn’t feel compelled to extend, but raiding on two days, and having bosses be fulfilling when you kill them is kinda an impossible ask.

Three day guilds likely won’t extend as much.

Perhaps I’m just angry and needed to vent. The opinion of two people that actually play the game is what I think I needed to hear. Thank you.

Ok. I see you did 3 25s. And that is great.

But it still makes your argument seem weird when you only did 3 +25s, all in the same week.

That doesn’t give the whole “25s are easier in the season than later” vibe.

Oh I agree it would be hard, but I don’t think it’s impossible. It should be possible to design a system that measures progress toward a boss kill and turn that progress into vault slot opening and aspect crest acquisition. The system could leverage the bosses you killed before your team extended to cap how many slots you can open this way (so you can’t just sandbag an easy boss to open your mythic raid vault slots).

Maybe this idea would fall apart or it isn’t really feasible to develop a progression-tracking system for vault purposes, I don’t know.

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If the actual drop ilvls were increased I think you’d have a very real point, to be clear, but it’s so many crests. You should have a firm enough footing in the pug ecosystem by the time those extra 2 upgrade levels come into play, as well as 6-7 m+ vaults of your own.

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Something like if you extend and get a new boss down to 75% HP you unlock a vault spot lol? Then another at 50% and a 3rd at 25%? Or is it based on number or pulls at the boss?

I feel that would be really weird, and have a lot of variability depending on boss design (some are easier/harder at different HP levels).

I just don’t see it working without being a mess.

And where do we think all those aspects’ crests will come from?

Also, if the argument is that raiding is easier to get full myth, Cloth doesn’t have access to a full set of myth gear from raid until they get CE.

Edit: missed an item. Cloth gets a full set at the same time as any other armor type, which is 6/8.

This is the toughest problem, yeah? How is a boss fulfilling if it has to be nerfed, or you have to be buffed for it.

Extending isn’t going away.

Raid time is valuable. Even if the entire guild plays many more hours throughout the week than just raid hours, it’s different when it’s not scheduled time.

And you aren’t really missing out on much gear since you can still get mythic+ vaults, and by the time “most” guilds are extending they probably are reaching the plateau on how much gear they really need anyway.