Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

You are probably right. It looks very bleak

It makes sense that raids should reward the best gear doesn’t it? If not literally than traditionally?

The only reason people raid is to get loot. But mythics you’ve got some ultierior motive with the whole competitive scene, MMR, and seasonal mounts.

Enjoy your treadmill. Slay. Parse those trash mobs.

How easy it is to get loot from M+ is way worse for heroic raiders than this change.

Well, is it not fair that the person who does 2 high levels of content gets more rewards leading to faster clears which leaders to a better Mythic+ score?

I for one am happy for them. Dedicating your life to Mythic Raid progression and M+, especially on release is just not on the average Mythic raider or M+'s list of things they’ll be doing. For the minority that it is, more power to them for having the time and skill to be competent in both.

At least it’s not the usual "Get me your manager Idemand a refund for not being able to play while I am actually at work trolling the forum on my phone " threads we normally get on a Tuesday patch day.

Nah, m+ is entirely for loot too, very few people do it for “prestige”

People are flipping out over nothing though.

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Give it time loll

It’s still early

Your opinion is one I’m particularly keen on hearing. IDK how much you pug, but you pug enough to know how it is. If you get off to a slow start it gets harder and harder to catch up. In many cases you can hit a wall that is quite literally beyond your control to get past. I imagine you could push past the bad player wall with persistence, but that in itself is absolutely exhausting.

Let’s just remove gear progression entirely.

Then nobody has an advantage. You all can just play the game and stop squabbling over nothing.

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Oh. I wasn’t aware. I figured it was a mix, I don’t really do dungeons.

Why won’t they raid then? If it’s just about the gear go get that gear?

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Going to assume it comes down to time availability or ability to get the people required together for each content.

Yep, which is yet another reason why the long term impact of end-of-dungeon gear being 13 item levels behind mythic gear is likely so negligible it’s not even worth the time of day we’ve given it in this thread. The players for which that level of gear will truly be a major factor in whether they time the key or not are likely already in mythic raiding guilds to begin with. For those who are a cut below that level, needing another couple weeks to pick up a few more vaults isn’t going to impact where they wind up by the end of the M+ season.

Yeah it’s criminal Blizzard didn’t address this, along with the vault for mythic raiders once they extend. You certainly put far more effort into the game in the week wiping to Tindral 200 times than I did running 15x +8s, yet I got on average 6 pieces of heroic track loot, a choice between 3x mythic raid items, and aspect crest cap, while you got literally zero tangible reward for that week from that raid.

We have data on keys run above where rewards stop. They may not be running it for “prestige,” but clearly there is some motivating factor for those players beyond gear. Otherwise there would be no reason for those players not to stay in the levels where rewards stop going up.

So in the week they have access to raiding prior to M+, all of those players will get drops? Even one or two pieces (if they are even that lucky) is an item level increase of what 3 points when you average it out? It’s not all death here. Plus key runners have now only a daily lockout of M0s which will give us “peasants” a good chance at gear. Deep breaths, it will be alright.

My point is at no point did you ever do a key (in any season) on par with a 15 this season.

So complaining about the pugging of a +15 (or a +25 in previous seasons), seems a bit weird. When that is not content you do.

That might be why that dude would do it, idk. But no, he’s actually not very smart. There are quite literally hundreds of thousands of people who play for score alone. I honestly wish that raid gear was kept entirely separate. And I know there are raiders that feel the same way. I don’t want raiders that don’t want to do keys to feel like they have to do them either.

Not saying it is but that person sounds like that fox Ardmcclown

I do do that content. I just didn’t do it this season because it’s a meme season nobody cares about.

Which season did you do a +25?

Last season.

On the character you are posting as?