Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

From the blue post it now requires a +10, but overall that is still a minor change and will remain the easiest source of mythic track gear.

lol the speed people jump on anything that even remotely resembles another form of content giving a slight gearing advantage will never NOT amuse me.

Live grenade ! Jump on it!

“Wait shouldn’t we think about this first?”

No! It’s a live grenade!! Think of the children!!



Very reasonable question. So heroic raid comes out before mythic+. Obviously heroic gear is nerfed significantly now, but it’s still going to be out before mythic+. Then you also have the issue of mythic raid actually dropping gear. I get that a handful of vaults down the road nothing but trinkets and effect weapons will matter, which can be huge, but this is more about getting behind

Not sure I would describe minor as having to do a key with tyrannical and fortify once it becomes a +10. But in the big scheme of thing maybe it’s minor.

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Why is it an issue for mythic raid to actually drop gear?

Correct, I mean minor in the sense that the masses are still going to be getting their mythic track gear from keys, not raids.


Think it’s +10 now.
Gonna be a blast contending with the general diaspora of humanoid tubers that about those levels of min. diff. / max gain coalesce.

Yeah, that’s not much of a change. I am surprised they’re making it even slightly more difficult. Feels bad for pug dps trying to get into 10’s. Just another reason to heal.

Just, not even remotely accurate

Reads like “I want to be carried”

key runners will be just fine lmao


No, m+ will still have the massive advantage in terms of number of items dropped.

As Zoumz pointed out, it’s a little bigger step than just a key level since a +10 has both fort and tyrannical.

But relative to getting mythic track from keys vs raids, nothing really changes.

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While this is true, generally speaking you’re running a Mythic raid with a Guild. Mythic gear drops in the raid, but it doesnt guarantee you’ll get it. Most Mythic raiding guilds have a loot priority system thats agreed on. Tanks get their pieces before DPS of the same armor, etc. So in one week, the difference between someone who ran a Mythic Raid and someone who ran a Mythic+10 or higher is nothing unless said raider was one of few people who get gear week 1.

By the time someone who’s raiding has gotten fully geared, someone who only does M+ will also be full geared. (Barring the exception to most Guilds loot rules)

Now someone who does Mythic Raids and Mythic+ will have an edge
 for a short time. In the grand scheme though, that small edge they have for a couple weeks boils down to nothing after a few weeks to a month.

Edit: Fixed horrible typos.

Maybe look beyond a meme season that most people didn’t even play. I parked my characters at 2800 to meet boost requirements and didn’t do a key for score the rest of the season.

Now you on the other hand have barely ever broken 3k. How can you talk to me or anyone else about pretty much anything to do with getting off to a good score or catching up when you have never arrived anywhere to begin with. Did you even pug your 3k? Because if not, then you don’t even have any place in the conversation.

You got 3.7k IO?

But this situation hasn’t changed for players competing in levels where having mythic raid gear is relevant. Players who are competing for title already needed mythic raid gear for weapons, trinkets, and special use items.

Yes, the point in the season where M+ players start getting groups that require more mythic raid item level gear than they can get from vault a couple weeks early, but that’s still a FAR cry from saying it’s “raid or die.” Most players cap out their M+ progression far below levels where this is going to be a common occurrence.

This isn’t quite accurate. Mythic raiders who are able to kill 2 bosses or more get an extra bite at the mythic raid item level apple from their vault. M+ will always only have the opportunity at 1 mythic raid item level piece every week. Yes, when the season launches, mythic raiders and M+ers will start on the same footing. But during the week, mythic raiders will potentially leapfrog M+ers because the bosses they kill will drop mythic items; and then they also get an item at the end of the week from vault.

Now this is much ado about nothing, I agree with your takeaway that this isn’t very important nor will it likely change much behavior. But it is true the average item level from someone who is able to kill at least 2 mythic raid bosses will be higher than someone who only runs M+

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Ah, very fair point on that. I didn’t even think about that honestly.

But like we’ve both said, in the grand scheme the difference is negligible.

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And then when mythic raiders get to the wall bosses they’ll get no loot from the raid at all for weeks while they extend and everything will come from m+ vault.

The head start fizzles out pretty quick.

You also need aspect crests to upgrade the items and yet again the only realistic source of those is m+.


My experience tells me otherwise. The people trying to time 10s week one compared to the people trying to time them in week 3 is enormous. And this gets exacerbated as time goes on. At the end of the day, it’s just very upsetting. More so from a principle standpoint than anything

The advantage will be more in the long term, since M+ rely on rng getting fully equipped with mythic track item is hard for M+. Crafting and the upgrade system being as close missing a couple piece wasn’t too bad in DF, the difference will be bigger in TWW. Not by much but will probably make a small difference overall.


Don’t worry. If they don’t roll out some massive dungeon nerfs nobody will be timing 10’s week 1.