Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

any chance for a link to this? I am not sure I saw it? the patch notes are a novel


It’s accessible. Stop making excuses.

There’s plenty of casual mythic and entry mythic level guilds.

Learn to use the recruitment discord.

As someone who raids mythic I say good change. It’ll be nice to be rewarded for putting in 10 times the effort of a casual player.

I’ve done enough mythic raiding over the years to know what it takes to do. It is a form of effort, but it’s a very different effort. The effort starts to resemble that of a job very quickly. Show up on time, always the same time every week. Listen to your boss. Show up consistently until told otherwise. Learn the fight pattern and execute basically one thing to the best of your ability. Use your notes given to you by your boss in the order they are assigned, etc. Then there’s the whole other layer of effort which is dealing with a bunch of personalities you don’t necessarily like. Deal with people calling off. Deal with people quitting. Catching new hires up to speed. Training.

That’s not the type of effort I look for in a video game. It’s missing everything I do play video games for.


:clown_face: hehehe you are a clown. like 1% plays this mode :shushing_face: we should not consider balance a game for 1%. at keast if they want to have a natural growth with wow. but the shop releases tells me they dont care about player numbers rather than whales :whale:


I dunno, this might be a hot take, but gear should reflect the difficulty of the content, not the difficulty of finding people willing to do the content.


No thanks. Mythic raiding can burn. Scuffed esports garbage. It’s a dead man walking. They keep trying to prop it up, but nothing is ever going to work, because aint nobody got time for that.

It’s fun, for one cycle. Then most wake up and realize it’s not worth the effort.

You never played Wildstar. It’s very obvious to those of us who did.


Spoken like someone not good enough.

Anyone that says has a complete lack of understanding about the game or what even esports are.

I’ll give you a hint. Mythic raiding has never been an esport. That’s AWC and TGP.

Bad players have been saying this for years.

I raid two nights a week for three hours. It’s not the time investment you think it is.

Good thing fun is subjective and you aren’t the decider on what’s fun and what isn’t fun.

Your elitist troll shtick is lame.

“Anyone that says” the clarion call of low int derps everywhere.

Sure, lets just gloss over all of the work you need to put in outside raid nights. Lol, you’re so pathetic.

I actually am, and I tell Blizzard what I want with my wallet.

Never said I was elite.

Actually insulting people is. It’s not my fault you don’t actually know what is and isn’t an esport.

You don’t do any work in this game. And the amount of stuff outside of raid depends on the guild. Some have more steel requirements but playing the game isn’t “work”. It’s also about maximizing your time when you are on.

I’m sure they will miss that one sub fee because you threw a fit.

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i appreciate the need for hierarchies…
but the gaps needn’t be any more
than what’s absolutely necessary
to inspire competitive people to
aspire to those few extra gear points
and/or other perks!
if the developers actually played the game,
they’d have a finger on the pulse of these
thresholds/ but they don’t!

And you sir win the Internet today lol. Thats how I feel about raiding. The difficulty is baked into finding people that want to play a video game in a way that is organized like their job is organized.

It’s kinda also how I feel about m+ in anything below a current 18 though. The dungeons with the scaling factors we have on live simply aren’t that hard, and the levels both content award crests / opportunities for m track gear are VASTLY out of line.

If we want parity it’s kinda gotta come from both sides giving up their pros and cons.

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It’s about time. I don’t love raiding but the game has been ignoring raiders for way too long.

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More of an edge in what? They aren’t competing against each other.

I agree.

In the interest of full disclosure, I haven’t participated in raiding or M+ in any meaningful way since BFA. As much as I would like to get back into it with TWW, in all likelihood I probably will only go into Delves.

From that perspective, I would prefer Mythic Raiding, high M+, and the highest end Delves all be very challenging and reward equally valuable gear.

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There are two major hurdles to overcome to achieve that.

1: How do you design sufficiently challenging solo content where every spec feels challenged but capable. What is hard for the blood dk is impossible for the rogue etc.

2: Given someone is allowed to do all 3, how does difficulty keep up with ilvl acquisition if someone is doing everything available Vs only the content type they most enjoy, not to mention it’s completely valid and possible to enjoy engaging in all 3.

Okay, let’s be honest here, M+ is way more esports than raiding. The potential time investment is a completely valid argument to dislike it raid. But if you’re issue is “esports garbage” you gotta get angry at M+ first. Raiding is garbage as an esport.

Also note that Blizzard is the one pushing the M+ esports events and the big raid events are player organized. And even with that I see way more excitement around RTWF than TGP and MDI.

Additionally, high end M+ is as much a “dead man walking” as mythic raid is.

Also, how are you gonna balance loot acquisition from things that are repeatable, to something that can only be done once per week?

This is true, but the initial comment was also under the assumption we had already achieved parity in that field. Realistically achieving that parity is an enormous task, if it’s even worth looking into at all.