Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

someone still watched rwf? LOL

A quick google search would easily cure you of any notion that RWF wasn’t a p2w sham from the start. You delulu?

Citation needed. When have Heroic dungeons not been queueable since the addition of Dungeon Finder in Wrath of the Lich King?

Was in the blue post covering the timeline that they dropped maybe a week or so ago.

Where? It doesn’t say that anywhere:

The War Within

With the start of Early Access on August 22, Normal difficulty dungeons will become available.

  • Ara-Kara, City of Echoes (Levels 70-80)
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame (Levels 70-80)
  • The Rookery (Levels 70-80)
  • The Stonevault (Levels 70-80)
  • Cinderbrew Meadery (Level 80)
  • City of Threads (Level 80)
  • Darkflame Cleft (level 80)
  • The Dawnbreaker (Level 80)

With the launch of the expansion on August 26, Heroic difficulty dungeons will be available to play.

On September 10, The War Within Season 1 will begin with Heroic and Raid Finder Wing 1 of Nerub-ar Palace opening, Mythic 0 dungeons also become available along with Heroic Seasonal dungeons and the new World bosses.

World Bosses
  • Kordac, the Dormant Protector
  • Aggregation of Horrors
  • Shurrai, Atrocity of the Undersea
  • Orta, the Broken Mountain

On September 17, Mythic raids, Raid Finder Wing 2, Mythic+ dungeons and raid Story Mode will open.

On September 24 Raid Finder Wing 3 will open.

WoW’s original success was because it made it easier for casuals compared to other MMO’s at the time. I like harder content, but that’s definitely not the source of the games success.

That’s because you define “Raid or Die” by the actual meaning, where it describes a system where raiding is the only meaningful method of progression.

Not a system where there’s a whole bunch of different systems and raiding is the best when done alongside the other methods.

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I really dislike these M+ gearing changes by Blizzard. They go contrary to what was good in Dragonflight, and what could have been enjoyable in Warbands. Now, I have to do more M+ low level runs for crests, and spend more time in game modes I don’t enjoy to try to keep up with raider gear. Even at the highest levels of M+ (harder than Mythic raiding), you’ll be fighting to keep up.


Talk about overreaction

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The more I think about it, the more I’m upset about them releasing heroic raid a week before opening mythic+. We are going to be showing up in veteran gear while raiders show up in heroic gear.

But like the priest said, it won’t be upgraded heroic gear, and it won’t be a ton of gear with just one week of raid. But from a principle standpoint, it is just infuriating.

Delves are also open for that week, so you’ll have a decent amount of champion gear.

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That would be great. I’m not completely opposed to doing some heroic raiding when I can’t do keys. The problem is, I know as soon as mythic+ opens up, I’m gone. I did that to my guild in s3 and I felt bad. I would have to pug it. Maybe I’ll just buy it lol. I have an insane amount of gold stored up

Don’t do suicide nobody’s worth it don’t do suicide nobody cares

Imagine spending gold to gear, besides your 2 crafted. It only takes a couple of weeks to get gear up to heroic or mythic track, and honestly there should be higher scaling for the people who push themselves to do the best content, that’s most mmos

And that mentality is why wow has no sense of community or server identity anymore. M+ is just a faceless soulless queue fest for people that lack dedication, something we used to hold in high regard.

To reward players who feel that they should get to skip the whole social community building aspect of the game has been a travesty. But hell, no one is forcing you to raid, you just won’t have the shiniest gear anymore if you don’t.


Mythic plus provides the opportunity for players to engage in challenging content without treating wow like a fifteenth job

I do enough socialising outside of wow, don’t really care to socialise within wow.

personally, Im just staying off that mindless rat wheel gear grind for as long as I can hold out.
Hopefully I can avoid buying TWW until the first round of catch up gear is out.

Ah the good old “I pay a subscription fee so I deserve to be decked in bis gear” argument. Well the super casual that only does world content pays the same fee too. Should he/she be able to get bis gear slapping open world rares and gathering flowers and rocks?

You know what? Why don’t we just make all the gear equally accessible to everyone by just making it boe! Then ppl can just buy it off the auction house! Better yet
 it takes a lot of effort to make gold, after all
 what about the rp players that hang out in goldshire all day or the poor gold sellers that spell out words with dead bodies? Can’t let them feel left out. They pay a sub too. Why don’t we just have bis gear periodically fall from the sky and people can just pick up what they need?

After all, paying a gateway fee equivalent to a mid tier pizza every month surely entitles you to unlimited achievement at whatever level of effort you feel comfortable putting in. Right? Right?!?!?

Note: oh yay, the tried and true “I can’t win this argument on its merits I’ll just mash the report button”. Sort of fits in with the whole entitled mentality doesn’t it?


I don’t know if I’d call vanilla and TBC raiding “easy”. Though I assume you’re probably trying to claim wrath as the peak. Even though wrath was a period of stagnation that only just barely held onto TBC’s population.

Sounds like a “you” problem.