Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

well raids are this way … so

So change raids.

Hm, I may have phrased it poorly. When I said “equally valuable gear”, I meant equal to the challenge, not equal to each other. I recognize I might be the only person who really wants the top end of delves to be hard.

As for making Delves challenging across the board, I think we would need to look more at the Mage Tower than at Torghast. If some delves favor tanks but other delves favor DPS, then the overall result is fine. I don’t think I can post links, but what I’m talking about is related to the idea of perfect imbalance.

Well then that is some sort of abnormal skill set you have then. An 18 is something almost nobody will time in their lifetime. While a mythic raid boss I would imagine almost everyone has at least several killed.

What is this a response to? Cause for me all the ways I’m critical of raids have nothing to do with M+. And I think most people who bring up raids (that aren’t part of the “want to do only M+”- camp) like how raids are, and don’t really want them change. (Or again at least not in anyway that has anything to do with M+)

i do it for fun. that’s still a thing in video games, right?

Why do you care about mythic raid loot if you don’t raid?

Kinda depends. M+ is definitely a very different scale and since raiding is a fixed difficulty it’s always going to get easier as you overgear it, but you need that gear in order to do so.

Final boss prog felt like 18s did in terms of punishment for mistakes / the level of stuff going on. Mythic raid loot only really starts pulling ahead of M+ on farm, so you kinda have to clear the raid to reach that point. Mythic prog for example has 5-6 weeks of getting 0 loot at all, not even vault slots.

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Because gear is relevant in relation to other players and the incoming damage/damage required, if other players are ahead of you, you are behind. Being behind isn’t fun.

Gear is a tool to complete content. It is not a status symbol and better gear does not mean you are a better player than someone else.

The only people obsessing over this are people who cannot untie their egos from their in-game avatars.

Gear gives you HP/damage, both required to complete content, how is it a status symbol? If two players of equal skill apply to a group/guild the one with the better gear will perform better.

I feel ‘‘playing better is more important’’ type arguments are just whataboutism.

List your own groups and this will not be an issue.

This might be my ego talking so maybe you’re partially right, but I just don’t enjoy being in a group where everybody has 5 ilvls on me.

Point proven.

Maybe so, but I think alot of people care about their damage/performance in relation to other players even if they don’t want to admit it. I’d prefer that playing field to be somewhat even, and the parameters are important. HP/damage is something that’s nice to have when things nearly one shot you on higher keys or require you to kill things quickly.

So at what point is any of your argument going to address the fact you’re an anti-social basement dweller that can’t handle interacting with 19 other people? “Troll” druid is right.

I was in a guild called Cake or Death once. All we did was raid. There was never any cake. ;_;

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Well I mean the playing field IS level… you just have to raid. I just spent an entire expac running 8 m+ a week even though I don’t particularly like doing it so I could maximize my performance in raids… you don’t think m+ players can do the reciprocal action and raid for 3-6 hours a week in order to perform in m+ too?

I just don’t get the special snowflake mentality that afflicts m+ players that somehow makes them think that they should be exempt from everyone else’s preferred method of progression even though no one is exempt from theirs

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This is a very fair point. The past few seasons it flip flopped, and I was able to row a canoe on top of the raider tears they were so plentiful. That being said, even with mythic+ having early heroic gear and crest acquisition on lock, the trinkets and weps were still oftentimes found in raid.

Before dragonflight it was basically raid or die for the game’s entirety. Maybe dragonflight was Ion’s way of playing just the tip, and then hard trolling everyone and taking them back to raid or die. IDK.

The amount of aspect crest grind they added in for TWW is one of the reasons I didn’t pre order. Why did they feel the need to add even more aspect crests to grind on top of making them drop from +9s now. No fast farms this time around.

We will see if the fix stuff like this in Midnight or The Last Titan. But TWW is a skip for me.

yea you better have 4piece if you wanna get in my group