Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

because otherwise you will get Wildstart which flopped by catering to hardcore people

such a meenieweenie!

bullion system makes the game’s drops boring.

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Hey woah, you leave Wildstar out of this. It also never claimed to be anything less than what it was… and it definitely didnt flop because it catered to the playerbase it was literally designed for and marketed to. It flopped because the devs fumbled the initial release and f2p release so bad that each one left such a terrible taste in peoples mouths that they never gave the game a second thought.

Don’t try to bs what happened to fit whatever idea your trying to push.

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yea bullion is nice for the meme season but it kinda sucks when every big item is just something you’re going to get with bullion.

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Raiding has never not been accessible. It’s been gatekept by good players…as it should be.

no, it failed because it catered to 0.1% of muh raiding, muh hardcore people

WoW has been this way for almost 20 years, maybe it’s actually been a 20 year flop masquerading as the most successful MMO ever?

Wildstar had way more problems then the nebulous idea it was too hardcore.


I choose…delves!

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you can try but you wont change the fact, that wildstar hardfloppwed because developers openly mocked and focused everyone who was not HARDCORE enough

Wow has given the best gear from harder content for going on 20 years.

Why hasn’t it flopped yet??


because they invented mythic plus.

if raiding and pvp were the only activities in wow, it would have long been dead.

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So it’s peak popularity was it “flopping” in your mind?

Along with now 3 additional versions of WoW out, none of which have mythic+?

being disingenunie are we
“peak” pupularity was easiest raiding on the planet

You clearly didnt play the game and just read/watched all the stupid reviews lol.

Wildstar had the best housing system implemented in any game. It had a story on par with FF story telling. Its graphics and classes were one of a kind in the mmorpg genre. It had tons of content outside of raiding.

So all that and it failed… because raids were hard? Like they said they were going to be from the beginning? No. Not the reason it failed.

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wotlk was WoW’s peak popularity - but guess what? yeah, the gaming population has changed alot since 2008. we’re not all teenagers anymore who want to dedicate two-three days each week for two years just to raid.

we have families and jobs, we want to log on to have fun when we want to have fun with WoW.

we want the freedom to not log onto wow if we don’t feel like playing.

Dude, you will not change narrativ, you do not need to try it with me.
Wildstar failed because it was focusing on hardcore raiding, everyone knows this, you know this, if you repeat your lie 100500505050 times it won’t become truth.

Opening Naxx was, then they added hard modes/full blown heroic mode and had several of the hardest fights ever up to that point, especially heroic LK which was a large step up.

Nothing about raiding was easy in vanilla/TBC (not classic) and it was very exclusive. The server I was on at the time never had a single guild clear Sunwell or heroic ICC.

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mhm and why in WOTLK classic they had to 30% add HP to bosses was it?
its ok, work on your theory better

Who’s changing a narrative? You’re the only one who said and believes a game failed because one system was hard. When Wildstar went f2p, why did it fail? You can still find the posts, raiding difficulty was never mentioned.

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