Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

Considering they’ve told us on two separate occasions now that raid participation in Normal+ isn’t high enough for the higher ups to continue letting them make raids, which is why LFR was created, no, no it shouldn’t.

They should not cater to a percentage of the playerbase small enough the higher ups dont consider it worth the dev time.


And tell me: how precisely do you obtain the Gilded Harbinger Crests required to upgrade the gear in question to its maximum item level?

Timing high keys is arguably more difficult than half of the bosses in a mythic raid. Mythic raid doesn’t get CE difficult until the end.

Raids are the most epic content in this entire game. No amount of rushing keys 5 gagillion times will ever excite me as much as that.

TBH, as long as mythic stays 20 man, I don’t really care what gear disparity there is, never doing it.
They can go kick rocks.


Yea that’s normally how progression work, and yes initially the last 2 bosses for a while were higher item level but that meant that M+ couldn’t get that ilvl. Even with the changes M+ still get the same ilvl, it has way less impact than what people think.

I have seen this alot since the announcement, is it a keeping up with the joneses sorta thing ? Is it that players will myth raid then do M+ and have better deeps? it wont effect pvp from what i see. I am sincerely tryin to understand EXACTLY what the issue there is with a M+ track player having 9 levels lower gear the a mythic raiding player.

So, I’m going to pre-empt this by saying I have no idea if raid or die is even back, but the general conceit is that M+ as a form of content is competitive, like raiding. If raiders have access to better gear than a M+ player does, then the raider has a distinct advantage in the content that the exclusive M+ player has. Which is fine for raiding, less so for M+. In the past, this pendulum has gone both ways, but it really shouldn’t, honestly.

Basically, M+ers shouldn’t feel the need to raid to be competitive in M+ and raiders shouldn’t feel the need to M+ to be competitive in raid. And people who do both should have that be rewarding in it’s own right. So, an unsolvable equation.


tbh its deserved granted most title pushers are the mythic raiders it doesn’t affect them. just the minority that doesn’t raid. just fill ur vault with 10s and youll have mythic gear boom problem solved welcome back to shadowlands s1

Brother we don’t all play the game the same way. We have different goals. I will achieve what you are talking about in a few weeks. I could care less about aotc and 2.5k in a real season

Good. Mythic raiding should give gear that reflects it’s difficulty. Mythic pieces still won’t be dropping from the sky for mythic raiders since prog takes a lot of time and effort anyways so it’s fine.

Good thing the only thing that matters in RP is looks and makes rainbow imaaaagination.

All my guilds since mythic was added ran a full 30 man roster. We could step into mythic whenever, but we don’t want to.

so whats the problem here? you’re mad that… mythic raiding gives better gear than mythic dungeons? thats how it should be, its harder to organize 10+ people in mythic content than it is 5 people.

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As someone who raids in a heroic guild, good. I’m sick and tired of M+ or die

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I wish the game was more dangerous to play. Mobs that flee, port away, bring friends. Getting jumped. Lose experience. Fear! Now it’s just TMOG Gearcraft. But I’m still going to play it because I am a stupid consumer.

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Let me ask you this, did bullion system hurt anyone,
why it could not stay, now for sure I will not touch any alts.
I would for sure with bullion system but now Ion and his friends can play … idk whatever it is they do.
The truth is, nobody gives a ***** about mythic raiding or mythic raiders, there should be no reward for mythic raiding just to show that thye do it for the love of … raiding.

Send gold please.

Why should people who dont know their class allowed to get the same ilvl gear as pople who do more challenging content like 20+ keys or mythic raiding? Its not hard to learn a class or take the small amounts of time to learn them in a way to do more challenging content. People on this game are just lazy and greedy. You all stand around in LFR and do 20k dps and get gear, you barely pull 50k-100k dps at 510 ilvls in key levels 5-8 and die 10 times each, why os this being rewarded with gear that requires higher focus? Mythic raids have tight dps checks and dont allow room for more then a few errors and the same go with 20+ keys you get a certain amoint of deaths and the key is dead and not worth finishing. People doing those key levels dont want to bang their heads just to finish to give people being carried gear they dont deserve. Ive seen so many 470-480 geared players doing 5-8 keys and expecting pugs to just come in amd carry them through it like its their job. This game is feeding the casuals and their piggybacking on the better players to get them higher gear at it is so let those players have higher ilvls and stats. Plus, Ilvl doesnt do anything to improve skill. You can have the best gear in the world and still perform poorly.

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I don’t raid and I don’t care what the raiders get. I play my way. (alts alts alts)