Raid or die has officially returned, and I choose death

Depends on what the goal was behind this change.

If it was to buff raid, this doesn’t fix the problems with raid.
If it was to nerf end of dungeon, it sort of does that, but enforces more M+ spamming for aspects crests.

I don’t raid and the game has yet to kill me.

If you don’t raid for example, you’ll have one week without content after you complete all M0. That is, 8 dungeons. lol and maybe delves.

ok - without group content.

In the game currently do you really think doing a M+8 deserves a mythic track item. There is not much challenge with that. People do 8 +8 to better be able to pick their mythic track item.

This is sort of what killed raiding to start with.

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So like, it’s not mythic+ or die anymore?

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Mythic dungeons are a daily lockout, like heroics.

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  • Mythic dungeons reset weekly, but this does not affect Mythic Keystone dungeons.

Is there an update for that?

Yes, M0s are changing to daily in TWW.


Raid gear should be the best for pve. Want the best pve gear? do the hardest pve content.


It’s changing with the expansion, probably today’s patch.

If anything, this made gearing even more dependent on M+.

Did they remove the requirement to have 20 players? Until they do that, it is very much not accessible, and pretty much hard gated to people in progression guilds vs friend groups.

The earlier parts of mythic are usually puggable, but afaik they still had instance locks, instead of per person loot locks. Has that changed?


Giving people an alternative option, causing people to not do the first thing, really just suggests there was something fundamentally bad about the first thing.

An analogy would be a factory that was awful to work at, whining that no one wants to work in their factory since the air conditioned office building started hiring.

Most of the reasons raiding has experienced massive interest decline can be laid at the feet of mythic raids, specifically the unique aspects of it that are constructed to try and force guilds.

Make mythic raids flex size, or better, design for ten man mythic raiding. Remove instance locks, and instead lock individual player’s loot eligibility so you can do boss 1-3 with group A, and then do boss 4 with group B. That’s how you address raid participation, not by trying to make it the only access route to BIS.

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The attitude of raiders, killed raiding. Not M+


Oh I see. I guess I don’t understand the changes then. :confused:

The higher ilvl from raiding / Vault is there but it requires crests and the only consistent way to get crests is M+.

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Change is Myth track now has 6 steps instead of 4.

What this means in practice, is that you need to grind 6 more weeks of crest cap from M+ to reach max ilvl.


Oh…well that’s complete trash.

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You were literally never going to do mythic raiding anyways. Your take is garbage.

If anything, this is a ploy to force raiders to keep grinding M+ for longer into the season.