Raid Finder

Go play balance then.

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Is he still whining about balance? The same guy who says you can afk your way through LFR now cares about spec viability? :rofl: :rofl:

Obvious troll is obvious.


Talking to Moistkittÿ is like talking to Drinknblink. You’re asking to have an aneurysm.


Players do that
 What is your point?

Correct, after multiple instances that take a long time. People get burnt out after a few and you need several instances to get one piece.

Common sense and logic are one of the many things that you lack. I anxiously await the day that you embrace epistemophilia.


Drink has more constitution than that turd could dream to possess.

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You call THIS a call out?
We are CURRENTLY in a state of the game without LFR or world quests like I stated. It would be fair to say the majority of people that played the game THEN and NOW(retail) are convinced LFR was a mistake.
My take on LFR being

Is 100% accurate.
You have no point, your “call out” was nothing more than patting yourself on the back
 Not quite sure, you didn’t really say anything of substance.

I played then and I play now. The majority don’t think that. The majority is casual players that utilized LFR.

Yes, that would describe your mentality.

*then, not than. Learn the difference.

You seem very fond of ellipsis. Perhaps you should learn their function. It would be you, that has said nothing of substance, and are giving your own unfounded beliefs.


I don’t really know what the majority thinks about lfr. But it would be fair to say the majority of people when faced with a lack of data or evidence will claim the majority agrees with them.

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Funnily enough, I’ve consistently provided coherent points that display the argument I’ve been making
 That LFR is awful for the game.

Just because YOU believe LFR would benefit you or people like you, doesn’t mean that they’re “unfounded”.
You do realize, just because you know HOW to structure sentences, it doesn’t make you sound smart if everything noteworthy in every sentence you write is absolutely r-word.

It would be
 IF there were a lack of data, but we still have archived forums from back then, not to mention comments back and forth for months upon YEARS about LFR and how it’s destroyed how people view raiding on mmo-champ -(as a hop-in and hop-out I don’t need to pay attention part of Wow) The problem with this mentality, is that it bleeds over into other aspects of the game like LFD. All of us needed to utilize LFD to progress (in the early game), and it just perpetuates that lazy no-skill “it’s just a game” demeanor where they believe nothing matters and they should get their purples and their really horrible play should be overlooked by the masses.
Wasn’t going to, but

Ever mistype? No? You’re all about that sentence structure and spelling and grammar, not to much on content. Gonna ignore I think. Have fun talking to yourself. LMAO

There are still some completely ignorant people who think that the forums gives evidence or reliable data about what the larger player base thinks. They don’t have a clue what a representative sample is, or they think a self selected sample is just as good. With all the polls we now get with the internet it’s often hard for me to believe anyone could be so clueless about how to understand the necessary parameters of a good survey. I get that math is hard for some people, but it goes way beyond stupidity, it takes a sort of willful blindness to be so ignorant.


Simple common sense tells you that LFR would be wildly popular. If you want to look at the forums as a sample size
there’s like a grand total of 2 people against LFR in Cata. It’s almost unliterally wanted.

And the forums would be the place most likely to have people against LFR. This is where more (but not all) hard-core minded people come. So the fact that almost everyone here wants it is pretty solid evidence. If you were to include the masses who aren’t freaks like us who frequent these forums, they would clearly be in favor of the system. The more casual people
does he really think they wouldn’t want it? I’d wager if there was an in-game poll it would be somewhere around 95% pro-lfr.

And I’m not even saying that matters. Players are idiots and don’t know what they want. They’d ask for LFR in Vanilla, where it would be a disaster. But it was in Cata, and it belongs in Cata Classic.


The forum is too small a sample size but it’s less about sample size than whether that sample is representative of the player base. People come to the forum mostly to complain or to request something. When lfr was added those who didn’t like it came to the forum to complain and to ask it be removed. Those who didn’t care or liked it rarely came to the forum to say that. Now people are coming to ask for it to be added. Because it’s not here those who don’t like it aren’t coming to complain about it. On every issue the forum will skew towards those complaining or requesting. Those who are satisfied with the status quo rarely speak up. That’s why good pollsters select a representative sample and why a self selected sample is worthless.

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You’re delusional; seek help.

Just because of your subjective opinion that “lfr is bad” doesn’t make your opinion founded.

Well then, that would make it a double whammy for you.

Certainly. However you’re mistake was not a mistype. You simply used the wrong word because you don’t know the difference and when to use them.

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The players that want LFR are the ones who are bad at the game and cant complete normal. LFR is not needed for Cata. Bring it back in MOP. Where it can be utilized as a catch up mechanic for alts who are doing their legendary back quest.

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Says the guy that paid over 400k for a gdkp carry!!!


This post is not about your jealously. Why don’t you and all your other friends go make a post about this.

:rofl: I’m not jealous of a bought achievement. That’s just pathetic.

We did
 that is what these are. They are called “posts”. You’re the laughing stock of the forums. Get better soon!


Should be your.

One should always be careful when criticizing someone’s grammar not to make grammar mistakes while doing it.

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Hes just a hater. He will hate on everything and everyone he doesnt like. Look at how he tried to derail the subject of this post with a hate post about me.

Or they are players who don’t want to commit that much time to normal raiding / guilds but still want to experience the raids. Most LFR players have no interest at all in a 2nd job and just want to enjoy the game on their schedule.

Your “choices” argument doesn’t really make sense if they don’t have the choice to begin with. If LFR is available, then players of all levels have a choice on whether or not to partake in it.

What is more beneficial for the majority of players, having something available for casuals to do and keep money coming in for Blizz so that they keep classic going (it is struggling right now), or restricting raid content so that only the people who can dedicate hours each week to a 2nd, non-paying job get to experience it?

A part of me agrees with this, but I would rather they implement LFR sooner rather than later. Many server populations are struggling, so anything they can do to bring in / keep players is a good thing
 even if that means that “the ones who are bad at the game” get a win.