Raid Finder

I really do miss LFR days in MoP and late Cata. Is there any chance we will get those back?


See the other posts about this subject. Devs said they dont want to add LFR to cata.

LFR is not needed in cata since we now have Heroic + dungeons that allow people to get better loot then what is going to be available in LFR.
LFR drops 384 loot with 390 loot dropping off the last 2 bosses.
Heroic + dungeons give currency to buy Heroic raid gear from the previous raid (in this case it would be Firelands) Which is 391-397 ilvl far exceeding the ilvl rewarded from LFR.


What a disconnect from reality.

Dungeons come with a random queue system.

Where’s the random queue system for raiding for those that don’t want to go through guilds or PuG groups?


Wait till mop. It isnt needed in cata.


Fair point; I guess, which I saw coming a mile away b4 Cata launched.

I only ever did DS through LFR originally.

Had I wanted to do DS again, I would have been out of luck.

I dodged a bullet by not playing Cata; one last thing…

You sure they’re not going to axe MoP’s LFR?


I doubt they will axe MoP LFR simply because the of the Legendary back quest chain. Then with LFR being added they really would not need to add H+ dungeons for a “catch up mechanic” This is less work to do on there end, We already know how blizzard hates to do work.

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I’d be extremely surprised if Dragon Soul doesn’t come out with LFR enabled. It has unique gear appearances in it.


We heard this before with RDF. Its probably coming.


See the dev interview with Crix where the devs said they dont plan on releasing LFR in cata.

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Look at that, promising no dungeon finder.


Like others have mentioned, RDF also was said to not planned to be added, and look what we have in the game… Raid finder was added in Dragon Soul, it should be added when Dragon Soul comes out again.


there will be LFR with DS. Just like last time.


LFR had a purpose beyond just the loot. Some people just wanted to experience the raids in a relaxed environment.


Normal is there and easily accessable.
Relaxed (You mean be carried by raiders)

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Some people don’t have time to raid in a scheduled raid slot. I already raid 2 days on this toon, and 1 on my pally, I don’t have the time to raid on another, unless Raid Finder is added and I can just queue up on my own time.


Alright thats your choice to raid on multiple chars not everyone chooses to raid on mulitple chars. LFR is not needed!!!

Not everyone has to choose to use LFR. FERAL BUFFS ARE NOT NEEED!!111!!! (See how you sound with that statement btw?)


No, meaning relaxed. There for the story and content.

Don’t use LFR if you don’t want. What I see is the typical elitist mentality of, “Scrubs shouldn’t be able to do raids!!”


Exactly. How many players end an expansion without getting Bis? I’d guess at least a substantial minority if not a majority. Most of us actually play for fun, the loot is secondary


I didn’t say they shouldn’t be allowed to play; I stated that normal mode is readily accessible and the loot from LFR is inferior to what’s available from the Heroic+ cache. This is because players can obtain Heroic Firelands loot without engaging in heroic raiding.

LFR Dragon Soul provides item level 384 loot, with the final two bosses offering item level 390. Meanwhile, the Heroic+ dungeon vendor will sell Heroic Firelands gear at item level 391, with Ragnaros loot at 397.

If you’re unable to complete normal Dragon Soul while receiving free Heroic Firelands gear—which wasn’t earned but rather given for completing much easier content—then I’m not sure what advice to offer.