Raid Finder in Cata

I’m sorry, I don’t remember. I don’t doubt it though, I remember having conversations about it, just not with who with.

Edit: Still support the spit emote. I don’t care why it was used, it was a fun toxic emote, especially for cross faction communication. After all it’s just an orange line of text in a video game.

Naturally. It’s all he does to me. It’s his default to me.

I don’t mind. I mean, how would someone who does this :point_down:

have any capability to gotcha or shade me?

I already called out his next move in my last long post. He ignored everything, and while he didn’t hit me with the “haha didn’t read”, he still just had a dumb one liner as a response. If that’s the best he can muster, then let him flounder. It’s funny to me at least.

Entirely fair. As is your edit.

Dude likes you. Otherwise he’d have moved on. TBH and no offense, but I forget about a lot of people on here until I see them post again.

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None taken. I only remember people that talk a lot. Just the repetition of seeing their names. It’s why I don’t remember you.

If you use the forums more, I 100% would remember you more.

I tend to post on the character I am playing at the time. I usually post on my Cata Classic Paladin but since TWW, to me, is surprisingly enjoyable I post on this guy.

Accurate responses.

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? Its 2200 for T2 weapon (not that you’d know what that is). Thaaaaaaats it & what we went over like…a year ago? Idk how long ago it was. Have you been thinking about old online L’s you’ve taken? Careful, thats a long list to get through, might flare your carpal tunnel up (assuming).

Coming from Gaspathy, that’s rich.

You had said that there was no rated PvP gear at all in Cata.

I called you out on it, then you moved the goal posts to say it was only the weapon that was rated…

So you were wrong about there being no rated PvP gear in Cata; and, were incapable of owning up to your mistake and/or dishonesty.

Why would I want advice or help from pieces of $h!+ like you or that rogue?

i would not mind LFR if it meant you could grind emblems or tokens to speed up the gearing process for alts or even mains.

Something like a weekly daily lfr quest wrathstyle.

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I said you may need to go talk to a professional, and you then started a rant about /spit.

That’s just dribble.

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No, you can get a weapon through rated conquest points you insufferable semantic toad.

You can get every slot epic current season with no rating. Which was your entire complaint about only playing bgs and being dog so you didnt want to need arena rating because you couldn’t get past 1200 or whatever rat league you got hardstuck in.

Because we are correct and tried helping you for months before you attacked us for trying to give you information you clearly lacked or didn’t want to hear.

You are an unserious child.

So there does exist rated PvP gear in Cata. You tried to say none existed at all.

Even now you still can’t own up to your dishonesty.

Because you are correct, I would want help from pieces of feces like you?

Being correct absolves from being a piece of feces?

Any negativity from us is after weeks of banging our head trying to help you only to be insulted and lied about.

You left for months, havent leveled, came back and attacked us in the forums unprovoked, yet again. You are pathetic.

What do you guys think Wafectus does for a living?

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I can only assume it involves licking a window


I think we are seeing the answer live.

I tried being nice. That got nowhere.

Now it’s just fun and entertaining to correct everything you’re wrong about.


That is not a thing. You can’t “spit” on anyone.

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This made me laugh!

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I mean it was in TBC classic, and it did lead to the emote being changed.