So here’s the thing I’ve explained why just sticking a group finder on top of normal mode would work out horribly in practice, since you know we can see how an easier LFR works in practice.
And while you keep whining about introverts and extroverts you still just won’t accept that a LFG system gets used by the entire player base. It won’t just be awesome but shy introverts being lead by kindly extroverts, you’ll get the exact same mix of people you get everywhere else.
I’ve taken no position on whether a raid group finder should be added to the game. I’ve just pointed out how ridiculously stupid it is to claim that manually finding a group makes the players more motivated and more invested in performing well.
how can you type these snarky reddit-tier responses yet can’t find a consistent group? Must have grey parses or something
If you’re a dude who doesn’t want to talk on mic you could just pretend you’re a woman and avoiding creeps. strange idea which i have seen used successfully.
If you had followed the conversation you’d see that I only replied because I vehemently disagreed with people claiming that “If joining a group manually is so difficult that you have to use LFR as your only means to raid, then you aren’t going to do well in an LFR on the highest difficulty.” Some one can have difficulty finding a group and still be a great player after getting a group. Finding a group and doing well in that group are two different skill sets.
I only lie when I absolutely have to. Like to maybe a cop or some other government official if they have power over me and the truth might harm me. I get that most people find it laughable that someone has ethics in today’s world but that’s how I play the game of life.
I mean you can come up with whatever theory you want for why, it’s pretty basic psychology that putting more effort into something makes someone more invested in the activity but whatever.
It doesn’t change that pre formed groups are almost always more competent than queue groups, which wait for it, matters more as the difficulty of what they’re trying to do increases. Would sticking a queue in front of normal mode be so toxic that it would have no redeeming value? Maybe maybe not, but it would certainly generally have worse results than LFR difficulty.
No, it’s pop psychology. The type of bullsht you find on the paper book rack for simple minds. Not the type of book you find in college, especially not in a masters or doctorate program. The world happens to be a lot more complex than that, but you wouldn’t know that. Your mind isn’t capable of dealing with complexity.
Jeez are you people brain dead idiots that can’t understand what you read.
I have never once used lfr even though I’ve played from vanilla to BfA.
I have never once pugged a raid.
I’ve never in this thread asked for a raid group finder.
I have always been in a guild and did raids with that guild.
Just in case you still don’t understand. I’ll repeat myself.
It was also a great way for raiders to practice any part of the raid that they make mistakes on when they raid with guild.
It also gives raiders a way to see the fights before entering the actual raid with guild on raid night.
It allows casual players who don’t raid, the opportunity to see what raiders are doing. This is important because as our population declines it’s a great recruitment tool as far as getting players interested in actual raiding.
It gives people who haven’t raided yet, who are rerolling and (or) boosting, the chance to grab some gear before jumping in and raiding with guild.
Let’s not downplay it. LFR is a great tool to have.
I understand what you’re saying, and I know my previous statement is not a true 1:1.
That said, if sending someone “spec class whatever ilvl” for an invite is too much because you’re so introverted that a single line of text is debilitating, then what happens when that player needs to communicate for a mechanic or responsibility in the raid it self? After all we’re talking about an LFR for higher difficulty than LFR. The mechanics do ramp up and communication goes from being an option to mandatory.
This is ultimately, across all versions of wow, an mmo. Interacting with other players eventually becomes a requirement the higher in content you go. The introvert, social anxiety card can only go so far until you just have to communicate with others.
If the player is ultimately able to communicate in the raid, then it logically does not make sense that they are incapable of being invited to a raid manually and the need for a “LFR for higher difficulties” becomes moot.
If the player is ultimately unable to communicate for an invite manually, then they just physically won’t be able to do higher tier content as communication becomes needed, and without communication the higher tier content just won’t be downed, and the need for a “LFR for higher difficulties” becomes moot again.
If it’s just for story then LFR as it exists is good enough.
It just doesn’t make sense to me in any capacity to have an LFR for higher difficulties.
Everybody only responds to the parts of a post that interests them. You pick and choose what parts you want to respond to all the time though you make a pretense that you’re responding to the whole post by quoting the whole post in your response. It’s a specious point you’re trying to make because you lack the adequate thought processes to make rational replies.
I’ve engaged with other types of auto group finders, I’ve raided, and I have knowledge of psychology since it’s an interest of mine. That’s how I destroyed your arguments and why everyone who has read about neurotypical and neurodivergent behaviors knows you’re clueless. I’m fairly confident that you realize how clueless on this subject you are too, but having jumped into a lake far to deep for you to swim in you can’t back down now. Perhaps you’ve realized that you should stick to the shallow end on subjects you haven’t bothered to study.