Some extroverts don’t understand introverts and some introverts don’t understand extroverts. It requires reading about the differences to understand how different people think and obviously you’ve never done the reading. Of course that doesn’t make you hesitate for a second before you spout bullsht on a subject you’re entirely clueless about.
Yep. IRL I am an introvert who can at least pretend to be extroverted. But only for a few hours lol.
BUt getting back to lfr…this clears out in time. 1 month in when I saw lfr most knew the setup.
The normal+ folks would give the strats…we would follow them.
since for some of the player base we don’t fire up youtube for hours to study raid runs. I study for CPE’s for some certs I have to maintain them. I don’t study to play games.
One of these keeps me getting paid. Hint: its not the game.
LOL it has nothing to do with introverts or extroverts.
It’s just reality that group activities require a certain degree of communication and ability to work with others. As those activities get more complicated, in this case harder raids, that requirement increases.
I ran nerzhul in sl knowing full well at least 10 people would get yeeted of with his aoe knockback. New ranged dps would get too close to edge. He’d AOE. and 10 people yeeted off. Morbid comedy gold.
Always good for a laugh. Nerzhul besides that and 1 other mechanic more on tank to setup up was not that bad. So even down 10 lemmings…he got dropped.
But that random who doesn’t follow instructions doesn’t correlate to someone who has difficulty getting groups. That’s what you don’t understand. It’s a totally different skill set. I’ve always had trouble getting groups, it’s one of the reasons I play a few healers and my main is always a healer. It’s easier to find groups as a healer. But that doesn’t make me a bad healer or mean I can’t follow instructions. I’ve been in many groups where players have whispered me that I’m a great healer or we wouldn’t have finished the run if I wasn’t there.
It has something to do with introverts or extroverts but it’s more complicated than that. I mentioned introverts and extroverts to simplify it for simple minds. It’s much more about neurotypical and neurodivergent. People have many different ways of thinking and different skill sets that includes but goes way beyond just introversion and extroversion. Everything you post just tells those who have read on the subject just how confused you are about it.
You are still not understanding the issue. It’s not that people manually forming groups magically makes anyone a better player. But it does raise the bar of the minimum amount of effort they’re willing to put into being in the group. Which directly translates into how much effort they’ll into the group once they’re in it.
So while you might be an awesome player in random groups, which I’m not questioning, not everyone is the same as you and you don’t seem to understand that.
All we have to do is look at the failure rate of LFR in retail and the fact it even has a stacking buff for wipes to see how bad random groups can be. Putting them into harder content isn’t going to change that and I’m not sure why that’s so hard to accept.
It simply does not. Those are two distinctly different skill sets. What you as likely an extrovert see as a minimum amount of effort in finding a group an introvert might see as almost insurmountable. Yet once in a group that introvert might be better able to deeply focus on the instructions and the performance in the fights. An extreme extrovert who easily finds a group might be unable to focus sufficiently on the game due to constant chatter and joking around on discord. As I said above
Though as I said it’s much more complicated than just introversion and extroversion. Jung has come up with a system of 16 basic personality types as well as intensities within the 16 types. Doing a Myers Briggs personality test would be a good place for you to start your understanding of a subject you’re woefully ignorant of.
I wasn’t talking about skill sets, I was talking about motivation. The entry bar to join a normal mode raid is not high(and it’s BS anyone is trying to claim it is, I’m fairly introverted and I’ve managed to do just fine pugging) but it’s higher than just pushing a button.
That will translate into those people being more invested in performing well and finishing the run. Which like I said might not apply to you personally but it sure does apply to the broader player base.
This isn’t really debatable, we can see exactly how LFR ends up playing out in retail and it’s not hard to figure out that putting it into even moderately harder content would not work well.
I mainly raid on LFR and I see far fewer people leaving then I do on a normal difficulty and the occasional wipe isn’t a problem it’s more of a reliable way for people to learn
except normal is already brain dead content so you want even more trivialized brain dead content? LFR does not teach you mechanics because nothing is punishing. you take hardly any damage from anything and the mechanics are glossed over or just removed entirely. I’m fine with LFR being added but they need remove tier sets as well as trinkets.
The wonderful guild leaders and PuG organizers that just welcome players like me into their groups with open arms, no questions asked?
Or we can just let LFR be an impartial group maker like all the other automated systems and let ppl group how they wish and access whatever raids they want…
And everyone is the same as you? I’m fairly introverted and I find getting a group particularly onerous. Yet I do fine once I get a group.
If I was as stupid, superficial, and ignorant as you I could say that since extroverts find it easy to get a group that translates into those people being less invested in performing well and finishing the dungeon. Those who find it easy to get a group are simply less motivated. Since I’m not as stupid as you I won’t claim that the reason you do poorly is because as you stated above you do fine getting a group which makes you less motivated to complete the run. Introverts who find it hard to get a group are more invested in performing well and finishing the run.
Do you now see how one can use specious reasoning to reach what ever conclusion you want?