Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
Well now I’m going to give it to you anyways…
Instead of LFR being a simple grouping tool for any access to any raid, like RDF once was in retail, it was designed to only contain a handful of raids, or just one as it began at a fixed difficulty.
What’s the message?
They didn’t want to open raiding to the public (never have wanted to and likely never will) and only provide a miniscule amount of raiding for players like me, that prefer to use a random queue system to group with.
Same thing with rated BGs and random BGs. Rated BGs were purposefully omitted from the random queue in order to push the guild/manual-networking culture this company is so fixated on.
I think it would be absolutely hilarious if they added a queue for normal mode raids as well as LFR.
We’ve had this rodeo for years, even in the old forums.
They don’t even allow Mythic dungeons on the RDF system in retail.
They’re too hard for players like me
Exactly that’s what would make it so entertaining.
At first.
I’m confident that if people can get unfettered, hands-on, raiding experience, they’ll all be downing raids left and right.
I became better at running dungeons after RDF was introduced, not before.
Why? The drops in LFR are lesser than normal and it’s easier for casual players to join a group so what’s bad about it? Also, it was in the original so it should be here… Classic is why I came back to the game, I have no intention of playing the new game, Blizz wrecked that for me when WOD dropped.
Because it wasn’t until dragon soul. They aren’t going to waste time balancing and in some fights redesigning mechanics for some mode most people don’t want.
Oh, hey Wafectus
Glad to see they let you out
I’d like to see a link to that.
How do you play?
Do you still click abilities?
What are your movement keys?
Do you hotkey your abilities?
Are you max zoomed out?
Do you use weak auras?
Generally curious.
I don’t care if they add Raid Finder, but there was certain transmogs that you could only get from it. I hope they add some way to obtain them at least.
If joining a group manually is so difficult that you have to use LFR as your only means to raid, then you aren’t going to do well in an LFR on the highest difficulty.
It’d be funny to watch but ultimately it would be a waste of time.
Literally everyone can get unfettered hand on raiding experience right now. Literally everyone can be downing raids left and right with just any modicum of effort.
I think this is 100% false. Anyone can learn, given the opportunity.
I for one don’t want to have to deal with forming a group; I just want to queue up like I do for bgs.
I’m probably far older than you. I remember the days of just putting a game in and playing right when I want, and not having to wait around for others.
I’m also not a big discord user. I will listen when I have to, but I don’t use a mic. I like it when people just know what they need to do, without having to listen in on every detail. People know what they need to do when they go through the learning curve of raid difficulties.
Players have peaks.
Players who are gatekept from their own inability to join a group are not players who will do higher tier content. If the effort needed to say “inv” is so mountainous, then so is the effort to do actual mechanics.
Every point I made was lost on you. You cherry pick and strawman. You are not intellectually honest in your approach to conversation.
Anyone can join a group. If you think that you are somehow special for being able to join a group, then there is no further point in engaging with you.
I absolutely loathe this community at times.
Finding a group manually requires a different skill set than completing a raid. We all sit on a scale from extremely introverted to extremely extroverted with all the shades of grey in between, and different skill sets. While introverts might find it difficult to find groups they may actually do better in raids than extroverts. Studies have shown that introverts tend to perform better than extroverts on tasks that require sustained attention and concentration.
So the thing is someone who can’t be bothered to do the bare minimum of seeing a group invite in LFG channel and whispering I’ll go probably also can’t handle following basic instructions on how the group wants to deal with mechanics.
That’s not an issue in LFR difficulty but it becomes an issue real quick even on normal.
Dragon Soul has the raidfinder.
And mop, if we get it, may have it day 1 since that be complete code rip out.
Which is more work and cost for them.
Per release. Make it disappear in MOP. It have to disappear in WoD again. Legion too if we get there.
they’ve not hit home runs here with changing old code. Or running old code as is.
Wrath WG had no water for many months lol. With the only event at that time being ulduar release. 2 unrelated contents yet water was broken. And some work to get it back.