Raid cinematic is out


It's also worth noting that Final Fantasy kind of did this story thread too...

You spend much of the Heavansward expansion in the world’s expy for East Asia, much of which is under Imperial occupation as overseen by a native woman-tuned-Imperial magistrate named Yotsuyu.

And she’s pretty vile the whole time. She’s constantly demeaning the natives and treating them as less than human. In her introductory scene, she makes a young man shoot his own parents, then kills him as well. And she keeps getting worse from there.

When you’ve defeated her and the castle is collapsing and a friend of yours is in the middle of trying to give a heroic speech as he heroically holds back the rubble, she uses her last bit of strength to shoot him in the back. Repeatedly. Just to take as many people down with her as she can.

Then the building collapses and you think she’s dead, right?

Nope! She survived! And she has amnesia, and now she’s kind and child-like and remembers absolutely nothing about all the terrible things she did. Also, you learn about her tragic backstory, which involves being abused at home and by her husband, being sold into slavery/sex work, which is why she hates her own people.

So then the whole argument becomes what to do with this person who has clearly committed terrible crimes, but isn’t technically the same person anymore.

And her staunchest defender? The guy she shot in the back! (He got better)

It’s exactly as crazy as I’m making it sound.

FFXIV’s solution was to have her memories come back due to the machinations of her abusive family and evil brother (also still a Imperial officer) and then have them kill each other.

But she still gets a bitter sweet moment ending, some touching music and everyone feels sad for her.

It was admittedly a pretty controversial story.

I personally liked the story, but I’m also an absolute sucker for soap opera mess like that.

Just goes to show that it’s all about execution.


She’s been serving him for years, and all of a sudden she decides enough is enough because she realized it. She decides to stop committing atrocities because SHE doesn’t wanna serve, even though she’s cool forcing everyone else to. She’s a self-serving sociopath, who doesn’t have the brain capacity to understand that she’s serving someone else until they say “serve” out loud.

No. Not vindication. You don’t know what that word means, Luxio.


Yeah, I know. Wishful thinking.

Golden would never let him die. Hell, he’ll probably wind up marrying a redeemed/purified Sylvanas.

And then, the forums would completely melt down.


She was helping him until they won, and she realized his goals didn’t alter or shift.

She’s an idiot idealist that expected better from Big Tough Villain McDudeGuy but Sylvanas has always been an idiot in the narrative, this isn’t anything new to her character.

She trusted Varimathras with his own army, for Maw’s sake.

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He’s only on the board because of Cairn’s deathrattle. He’s like a token.

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First of all, my sincere condolences to the Nelf / Worgen fanbase cause this story beat IS nothing but 1000% garbage and a literal slap in the face of you guys, NOBODY deserves this kind of treatment from a company of Blizz´s caliber-

Second of all, I´ll just say the writting is SO bad it´s actually VERY good if one thinks about the story of this game as a “parody comedy” or something similar (I mean, it was SO ridiculous I laughed like a hyena when Sylvanas had the “brilliant” idea of attacking her actual slaver for pronouncing the word “serve” -gal W T F… what did you think you had been doing all this time, hmm?-… there I said it).

Blizz proves once again they reached literal underground and will keep digging until they reach the methaporical “core”. They not only almost fulfilled the fetishes of the MHP crowd with the Calia can of worms in BfA, now they fulfilled the fatalistic AND destructive portion of the NEFPA “arguments” too!!! (note to self: STOP complaining over Horde narrative treatment, it´s quite evident this game is being written AND managed by sadists and you will only bring more disaster upon your fav faction with your posts… Danuser is probably laughing with his best Joker laugh somewhere right now).

Third of all, I actually dig nu-Jailor´s tmog (no seriously, it´s waay more impressive). Pl0x Blizz, let us get some Helm tmog related to his, pretty please? My DK´s will be in your debt forevermore.

Finally, this only makes the issue I -maybe not so wisely in retrospective- raised in the “Elune and An´she may get villain bated” thread even MORE intriguing, cause now I´m doubly interested to know WHY Elune never actually put (or couldn´t put) her Eternal tier powers to prevent the REAL Death claiming everybody and their mother under his command.

Also, may we see Blanduin actually facing consequences impacting negatively his life FOR ONCE (no seriously, last time he “got hurt” he developed spider pow… ahem I mean “psych” bones but no actual trauma… maybe a Death God abusing him WILL be cause for mental consequences for him? Will he FINALLY be portrayed as an actual relatable human and NOT as the proverbial inhuman factory of “moral facts” he had been up until 9.0.5?)

I called it: is SO bad it´s actual pure gold parody comedy.

Frankly my more “serious” interests on the story got deviated towards the Jailor AND Blanduin, not over Sylvanas. I don´t care for Sylvanas nor her “suffering”; she´s no Spike to make me “invest” on her cheap “redemption”.


He didnt even give us the curtesy to tell us what he is actually doing and before Sylvanas gets to say she collapses. The one time she could have been useful and she just faints. Ugh!

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They probably aren’t going to retire Sylvanas and have her live quietly somewhere, she will probably have a big role in the next expansion too. I wouldn’t be surprised if she went back to lead the forsaken again. The writers are literally in love with her so she’s not just going to disappear after the jailer is gone.


her plan was to be free

You said it yourself.

She’s already been serving him so her line about not serving is kind of odd.


It’s so pathetic. The writers at Blizzard should feel ashamed of themselves.


Captain Jack Sparrow - 9.2 confirmed.

Why do you dislike Sylvanas? Your fondness for Illidan (since you consider him edgelording a naaru to death as one of WoW best cinematics) clearly shows you’re not against edgy content.

Well, that might be true. I don’t know how much of a role if any she’ll play next time around.

But I’m fairly certain she’s not going to stick around to face any kind of judgement. If she rescues Anduin, like I suspect she will, then he’ll let her go like he did Saurfang or she’ll make her own getaway.

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I might actually sympathize/been interested if she actually told us what being “free” meant. I am just tired of Blizzard dragging this super secret plan of her/Zovaal. Tell us already! Hiding it just makes this story worse!


You’re hilarious. :unamused:

You know…

Maybe? It wasn’t shown. Who knows. Why not show the results of that in the cinematic? I’d have preferred her definitely (that being the operative word) turning out good over her nebulously going in some new direction.

Let it be clear. I hate both of the above options. I’m just so tired of her and all these cliffhangers, I’d rather have confidence in the path forward than be left guessing again.

And it needs to be shown in the cinematic.

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Called it.

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Most everyone did, I think.