So are you guys ready for Lordaeron to be unblighted, and Sylvanas to return to her rightful place guarding Silvermoon and Tirisfal, the lands of her peoples?
The Garrosh cinematic made me sad.
Like his ending is cool and all but it feels wasted.
No that’s not it. The problem is pointlessly edgy Illidan is when doing it, how it strains credulity that he’s supposedly powerful enough to one-shot a Prime naaru and the pulling the rug out after setting naaru up as benevolent guardians - not perfect but good - because “muh subversions”, millennial contrarian nonsense.
Your avatar being a demon hunter says a lot.
Oh yeah for sure, she won’t face any judgement or real consequences for her actions other than initially they will have Jaina or Bolvar being eyerollingly angry at her, then everyone will work together and stop the jailer then all will be forgiven/forgotten.
Do you have the lottery numbers? Can you give them to me oh great prophet of the webs?
Oh and Tyrande will have to be stopped/killed from rightfully wanting Sylvanas’ head. Just because Sylvanas is special and needed to stop the Jailer.
Sylvanas is clearly shown to be terrified at the prospect of being left at the “mercy” of those three characters…
Thrall, Bolvar and Back-to-Trusting-the-Horde-Mode Jaina. Surely of all people they’ll flay her alive with their scorching demands for tolerance and cooperation.
This cinematic, from a story standpoint and the implications it has proven right from the NE/Worgen community is just….
Ugh, I don’t know if I want to legit cry or laugh right now. I’m honestly speechless.
13376 9 are the winning powerball numbers.
Excuse me Mr Grandblade surely you mean Evil Sylvanas Half Soul has been serving him for years.
Pure And Good Sylvanas has not.
Bruh this sucks for Forsake too because Good Sylvanas will 100% be Calia adjacanet.
Oh no.
They’re going to make Sylvanas abdicate Undercity TO CALIA lmao
being free is not having your life or after life determined for you free as in freewill… ever since she broke out of Arthas grasp…it was about him taking her will away almost more so than the fact she lost part of her soul to him and then after her death she learned and or was tricked into thinking that would never happen even in death she had no choice… and although this is a truth as has come to light with the covenant campaigns with the arbiter I will say it’s more extreme is sylvanas case and unfortunately for sylvanas haters there using her to tell this story. she never served zovall she was working with him to achieve her goal. I think blizzard could of gotten alot more people on board with this if they brought more side stories in with similar motive… like when we find lore characters in the afterlife they can confirm through quest and dialog that they had no free will or choice? but we can’t have everything I guess
Blond and blue eyed sir.
How dare you.
It’s more the fact that:
- The writers can’t contain their liking of her.
- She can 4D chess her way out of anything due to solid plot armor.
- She’ll likely escape any punishment for her actions, including literal genocide, with the hand wave of “the Jailer made me do it.”.
It’s not about edge, it’s about consequences. Illidan faced the consequence for his actions in the end (Becoming the jailer for Sargeras along with the other Titans). Sylvanas… won’t. Literally everything she’s done since arguably Legion (trying to enslave Helya) will just be handwaved away, and there’s nothing we can do about it but put up with the ashen taste it leaves in our mouths, because the writers won’t have the balls to make her face the consequences for her actions, since she makes Blizz too much money. Hell, Golden of all people is writing a book that can best be described as “Pro-Sylvanas propaganda.” And she’s the last person besides Danuser who should realistically be writing the character.
Even Garrosh of all people faced the consequences in the end.
Then she may return to her rightful home in Silvermoon, I see nothing wrong with this.
Tyrande I think get cleansed of her anger in the ardenweald questing, so she is not going to care or be relevant anymore. But of course if she is still angry at Sylvanas she is going to be evil for sure.
lmao, yep, it’s so scary for her!
I apologize to you by the way Elluriah, you did call this BS of a cinematic. While I kind of figured a redemption was in the works, I didn’t think it would be this…brain dead terrible
I will give Sylvanas credit for one thing. At least she aimed for the head, unlike Thor in Infinity War.
You’re good, Micah. Neither of us actually benefit from any of this.
But, Mr. Balls Smell, the cinematic shows her saying it with red eyes. Don’t that mean bad lady that served was the one t’was clamin’ not to?
“We appear to have written ourselves into a corner with this Sylvanas character”
“What if it just wasn’t her the entire time XDDDDDDD”