Third time’s the charm. Hopefully I won’t get silenced this time.
so does she die or what?
Actually curious given the cinematic.
Was it her “good” soul?
Blue eyes = good
Red eyes = bad
sigh so dumb… inc redemption arc for sure.
She’s left at the mercy of Thrall/Bolvar/Jaina after being given the rest of her soul.
Sylvanas redemption confirmed lets’ gooooooooooo
I believe so, it sure looked like it before she passed out.
When Garrosh said “Let the comedy begin!” in War Crimes he was a bit too early. Oh this is great!
the guy finally put on a god damn shirt.
I’m just… So tired of Sylvanas.
how i feel knowing erevien will donate his life savings to blizzard.
Blizzard mining salt like no ones business, the absolute madlads.
This explains nothing, solves nothing, resolves nothing.
How do they manage to keep making this worst?!
It’s been three years, Blizzard. Three damn years.
Can we please just have some resolution on this plot rather than being dragged along for more? Just anything.
To try to turn on your evil overlord when you have been serving his intetests since bloody wrath and to do it as he wins is so very, very dumb.
Hot damn, I sure hope death knights get a Zovaal themed tier set.
Well, if we do get tier sets.