Raid cinematic is out

Its been quite clear from the get go the Jailer is an aloof idiot who thinks were all so far below him it doesn’t matter, what we do.

As for Sylvanas that is simple, he sold her a ends justify the means variant of the plan with an ending that was fixing the Shadowlands and more, omitting the Jailer rules all as a dominating tyrant bit. For somebody missing half herself it isn’t that hard to see missing the obvious given how much the Banshee Queen herself was using the same logic.

I think it was more “You had your chance, now I’m leaving you to their mercy.” Especially since it seems he can snuff them all out any time he wants. Also, doesn’t look good for Anduin, either, since he’s likely KIA now.

Before I judge the story, I just wanna know what her logic/motivation was.

Why did she follow a dude named the jailer and expect him to set everyone free?


Tyrande and sylvanas gonna team up iin 9.2

You ask too many questions.

Interestingly enough, as bad as it was, they kind of have me on the hook now, because I actually can’t predict how they’re going to go from point A to B now. I have no earthly idea how they’ll get from here to redemption, and that has me morbidly curious.

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Now Sylvanas is good, her soul is complete and she didn’t even die


So she’s getting redeemed. Lets GOOOOOOOO! Choo choo, redemption train coming aboard!

Well to absolutely no ones surprise here is the long awaited Sly redemption arc . Let me, let me take a wild stab at the next story beat blizz- Sly was never a bad person at all, rather she was protecting us/Azeroth but in order to do that she had to temporarily align herself with the jailer. And now in order to defeat whatever big bad plan the jailer has cooked up we have to work with Sly"

-I think that is the gist of it. Now I am not sad or upset as I am sure everyone saw this ending coming, just disappointed, really, really disappointed.

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I’m in the same boat as you bud. This is one of those train wrecks that I want to ride all the way to the end :wolf:


Will Tyrande finally confront the helpless blue eyed Sylvanas? Maybe. But if they do someone will certainly say “ENOUGH TYRANDE!!! WE NEEEEEEEED HER! ONLY SHE KNOWS WHERE ANDIUN IS! Think of Andiun Tyrande! We must save him!”

“Fine >:(”

~ Fin 9.2


Elune needs to power up Sylvanas for the ultimate troll


It would be great for the jailer to transform Azeroth! we can finish shadowlands now and go to the new azeroth where the jailer enslaved everyone

if you go to work to feed your family who do you serve? work or family not tryna be a butt. genuinely curious what you think

Haha! I’ll shoot an arrow at him! that will totally work! I NEVER MISS!!!

Their plan all along was never to kill Sylvanas, it was to make her a dumb character.


I actually think he looks worse than ever to be honest lol.

That was probably the thing I disliked about the cinematic, actually.

Steven you cannot do the Wrath of the Lich King story, please stop trying to do it.


If we’re going to ride into legit saturday morning cartoon insanity, may as well accept it for that, and enjoy the ride. I don’t know about anyone else, but I think I hit that Joker “supersane” place where I’m totally down for this now.


She’s going to yank out the “I’m the only one that knows how to beat him and save Anduin” card and wave it in everyone’s faces.


I actually like Danuser.

Prediction: Since Tyrande rightfully is still trying to kill Sylvanas, we are going to have to stop or even kill her to progress this stupid redemption arc storyline.

I just know it.