Raid cinematic is out

True, but their YAAAAAS QUEEN will live another day.

So what exactly is the writing team’s obsession with Sylvanas? Seriously someone explain it to me I just don’t get it.

C’mon you know just as I do that she’s not dead.


We must all suffer.

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That’s kind of what I thought was gonna happen. We’d get the ranger general back, with the memories of everything that’s transpired since


Oh, god. War Crimes II, anyone?

I’m pretty sure they have the Celestials on speed-dial.

God that was so great. I thoroughly loved it.

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It’d still suck but at least it’d be different.

Steve Danuser has a Slyvanas body pillow.



Sad thing is, it’s likely true.

Nathanos’ soul will finally show up next patch and Sylvannas is already dead to render it moot.

“So what did I miss?”

I will say, I am impressed with the Jailers new form. Looks awesome. :wolf:


“I never loved you.”

Nathanos spiderman cries.

Sadly, that’s the best part of this entire s***show.

So she’s what… a death knight now? Alive? WHAT IS THIS???

It’s much better now for sure.

Upon reflection, it is a bit funny that she was like “ohhhhh, I get it now, whoops” immediately after he transformed into a Lich King look-alike, as if she only understands literal visual irony.

The ending was bad, but I will admit I’m kind of interested by what will happen next. There is some intrigue in her suddenly having good emotions again, but obviously none of the leaders will buy it. Definitely a mic-drop moment, Zovaal just gives her back her emotions and says “lol, let’s see what they do to you now.”


She’s the most marketable character in the franchise, selling large amounts of merchandise and being an incredibly iconic character among LGBT communities as well as someone sexual assault survivors relate with.

Always has been from WC3 onward.

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It’s just too easy to predict this story, lmao. I was just surprised there were people who really thought she was going to die, like how oblivious do you have to be to even think that? Especially all those forsaken players that were crying so much since BfA. That cinematic was just more boring than I thought it was going to be.


The entire time she was asking people to submit. Now that its her turn she finally finds her moral compass? lmao.

The same thing happens to the Horde “OHHHH sorry I didn’t know that was bad!”


Oh lawd, Bionicle memes in 2021?

You have blessed us all.