Raid cinematic is out

This is, as usual, a bad faith distraction to give cover to a corporate entity’s bad storytelling decisions. Baal already repeatedly condemned the death threats, and he is absolutely afforded the ability to do that while addressing general anger in the playerbase. It’s a thing called being able to have a nuanced discussion.

Stop harassing Baal. Move on.


Using an actual threat that was uttered to Golden as an example, in response to the ending cinematic:

Someone proposed that Christie Golden should get her skull caved in live on stage at Blizzcon. The reason for the person’s dislike of Golden is evident, but they’ve crossed 10 degrees of acceptable and gone into further beyond territory.

People piggybacked off the comment to go “wow that’s screwed up, but I get where they’re coming from!” is accepting the toxicity built into the statement. As are the people going “well I wouldn’t say it like that but I agree with their point!”

For everyone else criticizing, they aren’t blocked. Or silenced. The writers don’t openly acknowledge it, as they literally can’t without compromising their job (for example if you comment on someone’s idea and then it happens, it opens you for legal liability.)

“It is better to live in infamy than obscurity” is not good game design or story writing


Casually before adding a “but…” as if it didn’t matter.

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Acknowledging the story is mishandling genocide, suicide, and abuse doesn’t fall into this category lmao

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it sure is…

Dude its a game. I can’t believe people are taking this so personally. :man_facepalming:

This game saved my life after my first suicide attempt, because of Sylvanas and how she dealt with her suicide and Thrall and how he dealt with his insecurity and feeling like he isn’t enough during Cataclysm

If someone was suicidal playing this game as I did and saw this plot, they wouldn’t be saved from it.

Sylvanas is the foremost major protagonist with an abuse narrative and is the game’s ONLY suicide from depression

in a video game…not real life.

So Blizzard should walk on egg shells due to how some of their consumers might perceive their narrative direction?

We are at a point in the game where we are fighting for the very soul of Azeroth…We should stop everything to cater to the Night Elves?


It will be taken care of…just not right now. Instant gratification is killin this game and lore if we went that direction…

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So essentially after this reprehensible comment was made. Even though the other posters condemn it they can no longer discuss the complaints they have regarding the writing decisions they find questionable?

In this twitter thread should they find another thread or medium to voice their complaints because that one reprehensible comment essentially shuts down all conversation unless it is directly addressing the reprehensible comment?

Otherwise they are empowering the toxic behavior?


We learn how to deal by stories and History

History never deals with these topics well

Games, in theory, being escapist idealized fantasy worlds, SHOULD


You can point out that something is bad AND have a discussion about its root cause at the same time - in fact you probably SHOULD do that so that it doesn’t happen again. I know that this doesn’t fit into the popular idea that you can and should just exile people to “bad person island” instead of examining their motives because otherwise bad faith internet people will tar you as “defending them” - but that’s how you actually solve problems.


All I will say this sounds like those anti Black Lives matter protests arguments.

There were a couple looting incidents? These people are out of control! We have to shut it all down right now!

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You don’t piggy-back onto it.

Someone who’s in a poor place with mental health doesn’t need constant reminders going about how they should end their life, or get killed, or whatever.

Someone commenting on a feed saying they hated it is very different than someone acknowledging they understand where the threats are coming from, and repeatedly drilling into the person’s head they don’t deserve to live.

Which is why you shouldn’t piggyback off threats casually on social media, especially when people are in fragile places. Which we do know that in this example, Golden had been as she commented on it.

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since when did the story forums become r/politics? :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Lets just keep politics out of this…

Kyalin, your derangement about me is showing.

Alright so you are saying in a thread of a 100 comments.
1 being toxic and lets say 10 others piggybacking on it are the problem.

The other 89 comments should be read and listened to within reason?

You can’t abuse Sylvanas’s character this wildly, as WoW’s only suicide from depression anf a prominent abuse survivor narrative, and also the invocation of genocide for the night elves, like this

They cannot be allowed to sweep this under the rug and pretend everything is fine

It’s vile.

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Yeah. That’s what I’m getting at.

You’ve been harassing Baal about the same matter for days now. I’m not the one worried about having a derangement syndrome.

Ok thats a fair take.
As long as the other 89 are listened to and the other 10 is just poor internet etiquette that should be called out.
And the 1 guy should get banned or suspended for a time to cool down.