Raid cinematic is out

Days? Sweetie, I’ve only addressed him once in like two posts when the cutscene first aired and he posted his opinion. I just posted again today.

But you’re perpetually stuck in the Cataclysm prepatch so I can see how you lose sense of time.

Yet here we are with zero acknowledgment people who are concerned with what message Blizzard will tie into suicide, abuse, and genocide being ignored


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explain…and be specific. And you do realize a book is coming all about Sylvanas which will probably address everything you are angst about.

Please tell me how do you know what will happen in 9.2 or 9.3? You are making predictions and assumptions.

(alleged patch)


Already did multiple times scroll up beloved

A book that will require a survivor of abuse and genocide with assault overtones to decide to commit suicide then make a deal with the devil and commit more abuse and genocide, working alongside the creator of her abuser and mentor of her abuser, only to have her heart moved that maybe the devil is wrong because her boyfriend is MIA and the local twink is sad.

This robs her character of all agency as a Survivor and centers her story on a bunch of guys, reacting to those men instead of her presented as a competent survivor with agency and cunning.

I mean this in the most genuine way possible for many of you, a forum like this needs to be given a break once in a while to assess how it is impacting your mental health.

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I think the specter of “mental health” is being weaponized to win internet debates…


“They’re gonna have to pull a realm reborn at this point”

I said this to my husband the other day. BTW he predicted this out come for Sylvanas. Me being the dumb optimist that I am thought there was no way Bliz would write something that stupid. Oof.


Forum isn’t affecting my mental health, a story that never delivers what it promises while messing up themes of suicide and abuse and genocide, while also not bringing dignity to any of the playable race tokens based upon real world cultures I am or connected to (eg Bwonsamdi and Baine) is

Which sucks cuz now I have to do the whole Evaluate Whether Or Not This Game Is Worth My Time After All for the second time (took a 2 year break in late MoP and early WoD because the Garrosh plotline was cringe)

All that was needed was:

  • Construct the expansion while building within and upon the little but important pre-existing death lore
  • Write a semi decent palatable narrative addressing genocide and a character who is an abuse survivor multiple times over who committed suicide


  • Threw all lore out the window
  • Genocide is part of the greater good of some cosmic woo woo being they worship
  • Abuse/suicide survivors are dumb and have no agency, women are only self aware when reacting to men

It’s breathtaking.

Truly breathtaking.


I still don’t think the main plot could have been salvageable in the first place, simply because it was the part 2 to BFA and it opened up with said genocide. Seeing what came from it, I don’t see how you could construct a good story where people still wouldn’t feel “yes, this suicide survivor was right in trying to kill herself. Look what she did afterward.” It also rankled me super hard about Saurfang’s story, for that matter.

Literally the only out for the character (as far as I can imagine) would be to go even further in removing all agency to the point of full mind control, forever blueballing everyone baying for blood over Teldrassil.

Which hey, that’s still a possibility too.


I like Baal and agree with a lot of what he has to say on any given day but I think harassing writers, even if it’s only bluster on social media, is so beyond the pale that there really shouldn’t be a “but” clause included.

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And nowhere did I say this.

I have condemned the death threats.

I have also continued criticizing.


Reason #1 he literally would have rather died than become a furry. Max respect to that alone.
Reason #2 ten minutes after being resurrected he realized sylvanas was a giant idiot and shot her in the back of the head.

Not many more based characters in wow than that.



So the Loyalist PoV revolves around strict allegiance to one person, even though her actions make no sense and seem to be actively detrimental to the faction. She burns a major strategic asset (not because Saurfang didn’t kill Malfurion, we know objectively that’s untrue), and starts a brutal world war. She loses pretty much every major battle for the Horde, then outright tries to get much of them (loyalist or no) killed by Azshara.

Fast forward to “the Horde is nothing,” where she outright decries her faction and books it, leaving the people whose city she just blew up to now be homeless AND leaderless. But ok, you still follow her to Ghostlands, where she outright tells you she’s gonna make no effort to save you from what’s to come.

Come Shadowlands, we find that Sylvanas is working with Lord Doomskull the Destroyer, who makes no secret about his plans to control and dominate everything. She actively opposes the Covenants - which are indeed flawed, but her solution to flood everyone into the superhell dimension to be tortured and destroyed is a far worse alternative. She gladly helps him strip someone of their own free will, even though that’s what she’s stood against for years on end. She then aids the guy who she knows was responsible for Arthas in gaining absolute power - during which, she once again affirms she’s gonna make no effort to save her loyalists, while criticizing the Winter Queen for doing the exact thing she did (albeit, the WQ took volunteers). He has effectively now won - this is the culmination of EVERYTHING she had been working towards, and what does she do?

She turns against the Jailer NOW because he says the word “serve” out loud. The Jailer had never been coy about what his plans are, but suddenly, she now decides to swap sides because “she will never serve” - even though everything she’d done between Teldrassil and now is in service of him. And mind you, this revelation comes AFTER she’s helped him achieve his goal.

So what does the Loyalist PoV amount to? A bunch of blind followers who don’t actually know what they’re working towards, following a selfish psychopath who will commit atrocity after atrocity to make everyone else serve, but decide not to go all the way once she realizes SHE might have to serve too.

The Loyalist POV is an idiot’s POV that only extends one way. No one will “see what you saw,” because what you saw was a delusion.


They can actually /surrender to her. I have no idea what happens, just that it does something.


I don’t think Elune made this plan with the night elves before the event happened, but because it happened, she made this plan.

She says that their loyalty is admirable but it won’t save them.


dis iz a rly logn poste thaht just to sya that ur salty