Raid cinematic is out

I mean, I generally don’t agree with his takes, but Baltic Salamance has a point here. Blizzard’s been up their own butts lately with representation and morality plays. They flip flop between that and escapist fantasy.


Wasn’t it a rifle? Oh I know about that.

That was his first death, he’s the last boss in Shadowfang Keep after that.

Not to menton SYLVANAS HERSELF has said people would serve the Jailer before. She said it to Anduin in some cinematic, and I’m pretty sure she said “They will serve Death” word for word at least twice in BFA.

It is just abundantly clear this story is made up as they go along. Even if Ion hadn’t said as such last week (he said 9.1 wasn’t planned out until December/January) there have been so many inconsistencies like this to show it.



If the writers want to state in interviews that they’re writing a complex story of morally grey nuance dealing with topics of genocide, suicide, and abuse, while promoting stories of diversity and empowerment

Which they have

Then not only do we have a right to but are obligated to tear the plot apart using the criteria they have claimed and assigned to themselves.

Are they doing what they’re claiming under any circumstances? Absolutely not.

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I want to apologize, used to find your aggro towards Baal was unwarranted because I used to think Baal was pretty cool but he’s lost pretty much all my respect by showing he’s as unhinged as the rest of us.

Nah writers cannot be allowed to mishandle genocide + suicide + survivor plots like this.

This is shockingly bad.

Yeah, sure. And your casual dismissal of the threatening behaviours towards the writers shows you’ve got so much consideration for suicide.

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Can I ask something?

What sort of denouncement of the toxic behavior of the few is enough while acknowledge the complaints of the many?

Or is it the few bad apples spoils the bunch kind of situation?

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Actively acknowledging that the toxicity is fine without also adding a “but…” and trying to rationalize it.

So much of the Golden slamming two days ago was people just piggybacking off a death threat or insult and going “woah that guy is too far but I totally agree with his sentiment!” which is essentially no different than uttering the threat in the first place.

There’s active discussions on social media right now about the storyline with criticism but if the main introduction to criticism is “yeah the death threats are bad but they’ve been leading us on for too long” then they’re just as scum.

I’ve said repeatedly I condemn any harassment or death threats of the devs so kindly do not put words in my mouth


I’ve attempted suicide multiple times and have had to deal with online death threats and even stalkers for years so again kindly shut up dude.

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“I condemn this but I’ve been getting death threats since I was 12 and they are using this to deflect criticism, golden should use being called a n@zi as a lesson” isn’t the condemnation you think it is.

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Welcome to the club.

Again don’t put words in my mouth

I said it sucks they’re choosing to respond to anonymous trolls and verbal abuse instead of countless survivors of sexual assault and suicide and peoples concerned with the current handling of genocide in their replies.

Giving death threats and trolls attention is what they want. You never acknowledge someone spewing hateful rhetoric. If someone was calling you slurs or threatening you down the street IRL you know to just ignore and walk faster, maybe get your hand on some tool to defend yourself.

This plot is a mishandling of WoW’s only suicide from depression, a general abuse survivor story, and genocide.

Sounds like being able to ignore threats of violence and sexual assault comes from a position of privilege.

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Wait really?
Ok, let me do an exercise here.

You should die for redeeming the warcriminal Sylvanas.

You should be fired for redeeming warcriminal Sylvanas.

You are a terrible person for redeeming warcriminal Sylvanas.

So lets say these 3 types of comments are displayed in a twitter feed. Hundreds of them. Some argue between each other, some say the first comment is inappropriate but the overall sentiment of the thread is.

“How can you redeem warcriminal Sylvanas”.
If I was reading this twitter thread I would see a consistent complaint with a wide degree of appropriate commentary and inappropriate commentary that should be reported.

How would you moderate this situation as just another poster and the targeted individual in question?

And none of this changes not a SINGLE dev has acknowledged the concerns of survivors worried about the story and anyone generally worried about the handling of the first genocide explicitly called such in the game.

Even major content creators only respond to trolls instead of people pointing out these problematic and vile themes.

This sucks.

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The best cinematic from Blizzard in years…

Why? B/c its the most talked about cinematic in years…

People agreeing with it or disagreeing with it.

Sylvanas still being alive…which is interesting. So many people are bloodthirsty for what she did to the Night Elves which is justifiable. Except most still don’t understand the lore of Shadowlands so it is still a kneejerk reaction from an extremely vocal few. (All about that anima…)

Biggest lore question coming out of this is what exactly is Zovaal’s endgame? Devos and Denathrius believed in Zovaal. Sylvanas also believed in the big beautiful lie. Left in the dark in his true plans.

EOs lied to us when they tell us why he was banished. In the cinematic, Zovaal says, “At long last, the final key is mine AGAIN.” Maybe he killed an early arbiter to get the key. Maybe the “key” is what was ripped out of his chest to depower him was given to the construct known as the Arbiter.

I wonder what the attendance race will do now that the Arbiter and with her, their purpose, destroyed. Maybe the orb also controls the attendees of oribos? Possibility are vast.

But those are just my thoughts on the cinematic.

You can go back to your pity party which has taken over the Story forums. :man_facepalming: