Raid cinematic is out

Even worse

Survivor becomes Abuser who commits War Crime because she’s dumb and trusted Giga Abuser

Great so survivors don’t have agency or competence

Love it


The thing is though they decide at random when she can feel empathy.

This is the same character they showed still loved her sisters to some extent back in BFA. So what was that then? What was the Lament of the Highborne? What was her saving Varian? Other than a waste of time.

I’ll bet we’re seeing an Arthas redemption next. Because as we see here Frostmourne is now a ‘the devil made me do it’.


and why shouldnt arthas get redeemed, sylvanas fans keep wanting to sylvanas to get redeemed but arthas we all know his soul got taken too, why not him

Arthas’ story is done. Sylvanas replaced him as the face of Warcraft. Just like Kerrigan with Starcraft.

You know this makes sense

Golden and Copeland previously stated Thrall didn’t have agency as a slave.

Now Sylvanas doesn’t have agency as a Survivor.

Garrosh didn’t have agency because he was the Orciest Orc

Tyrande also lacks agency and has to be saved.

You know who has agency?

Anduin and Jaina

Wonder what they have in common :roll_eyes::grimacing:


To be clear, nobody should be harmed or feel unsafe merely because they wrote a bad story.

And honestly if you’re an inspiring creative - use this as fuel. Your ideas can’t be that bad. People got paid to write this.


Please just retcon Teldrassil out of the canon

It’s a black hole tainting everything

They’re gonna have to pull a realm reborn at this point

It’s literally inescapable driving everything into incoherence


As a woman who has gone through abuse, I think all women who have should get to commit some crimes as a treat.


Right, forgot about that one. God damnit

It seems to me the Loyalist PoV is a refusal to admit you were wrong in the face of an emotionally charged decision. People didn’t like Sylvanas by any rational means because that’s not how humans determine if they “like” someone or not. And few can handle the cognitive dissonance of thinking their emotions were “wrong”. I can’t. And you shouldn’t, really, a sign of a healthy, well adjusted person is accepting how you feel as valid.

You saw the same thing with Brexit, Soviet tankies and Trump. You invest emotional weight into something, it becomes harder to admit it was wrong, and it’s a positive feedback loop. The defense of the decision makes it harder to admit the decision was wrong, leading to a greater defense of the decision, etc etc.


As much as I hate what they’ve done to night elves, I also really really hate what they’ve done to Sylvanas.

To go from “I lived as a slave long enough… won’t relinquish my freedom by shackling myself to you fools” to being a minion of the Jailer to the very last… it’s an unrecognisable character. If Anything, after EoN, she should’ve doubled down on her wc3 persona, not go back to being a slave to an even bigger power.


I mean hey if you want to shoot your abuser I ain’t calling the cops but burning down an orphanage ain’t exactly fair play


I’m thinking this might be a thing like Angel on the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where she has to live with what she did now that her moral compass is returned.

I hope she doesn’t have a lapse of memories. A lot of people don’t like this, but this has the potential to create a really good amount of character depth. I just hope that, too, isn’t overdone.

Because we’re likely going to have Sylvanas dealing with what she did, we’re going to have Anduin dealing with what he did eventually, we’re probably going to have Arthas at some point, assuming his soul isn’t the one in Shalamayne that pops out like King Terenas Menethil II did at the end of Wrath.

Or maybe they’re trying to create the same sort of character for both factions? Although IDK if anyone would take Sylvanas back into the horde.

Interested to see where this goes. From the sounds of it, Zovaal (with the help of Denathrius and the dreadlords) have been pulling all of the strings behind the scenes in everything we’ve dealt with for WoW.

And who the crap is the 7th power that the Everliving Statuette is talking about? There’s so much to unpack here that it’s incredibly easy to miss a lot of the important details.



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Does this mean “good Sylvanas” was the one directing the RAS to create a plague to wipe out everyone but the Forsaken?

Bro forreal they did:

  1. Depressive Elven Dream Girl suicide attacks Big Bad
  2. Big Bad turns her into a Banshee by piercing her with his sword and corrupting her existence (Survivor Metaphor)
  3. She turns against him and regains her body (Survivor regaining agency)
  4. Becomes obsessed with taking down the Big Bad (Survivor confronting Abuser)
  5. The writers don’t give her a role in that confrontation (Agency removed)
  6. She kills herself (Survivor commits Suicide)
  7. She is sent to Hell for unclear reasons (Suicide Damnation, an INCORRECT theological theme in the West because of Dante)
  8. Returns to life because of newly found sisterhood (Solidarity among Survivors)
  9. Except plot twist she also made a deal with the devil during her suicide and then commits War Crimes only to have internalized the devil is the Abuser of her Abuser and thus responsible for her own Abuse.
  10. She is robbed of Agency again
  11. Her original Abuse is magically re-done by this new Abuser

It’s absolutely going to be this. Even they aren’t tone deaf enough to have the “good” half override the “bad” one. She’ll remember everything she did as Angelus, only now she’ll have the capacity to feel awful about it.

It solves nothing, though. She’s still a ruined character, the Forsaken are still a ruined race, and the Horde is still a ruined faction for going along with her broken reflection’s genocidal war.


Good Sylvanas has been in a crystal in Torghast since the Third War.

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It’s also funny to me they changed her eye color.

Its a minor thing but just - that’s the level of storytelling we’re at.

“Well we can’t have a good character with scary eyes. It’ll be too confusing. Blue those babies up”

Christ, what a circus…


Hair looking slightly blonder too

Because as we all know only blonde and blue eyed characters with fair skin can be good

And if you have only one or two of the three, you are less good (Thrall)

Albeit Thrall is the lightest shade of green of all the orcs