Raid cinematic is out

It wasn’t Sylvanas Windrunner who committed those horrible crimes.It was her evil twin!Bylvanas Blinblunner! I knew it all along! Case closed! 10/10 writing Blizzard.Really pulled a fast one on us all! :clown_face:


This is literally the best thing Cdev could have done!

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It stopped too soon…

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Sorry you didn’t like it.

If it makes you feel better, like you hoped I am happy with the outcome. Really excited for the future too.

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Who wanted this though? It just looks to me like their saying the average wow player has the IQ of a kumquat.

Quote from local woman who served for 11 years.

“What are you gonna do, make me serve?”


Yeah, isn’t that what she’s been doing since the end of WotLK… by Blizzard’s own retconned admission ?


And remember in BFA how she said “All will serve Death” twice?


Such a fantastic movie. An excellent dark comedy.

Yes, but until the next act it makes a tiny number of players (the “loyalists”) happy. Once they see how this turns out they’ll be desperately sad again, but for one bright, shining moment, they’re happy.

Isn’t that worth trashing the rest of the story they built up for the last 20-ish years?

Not they. The current gaggle of rejects didn’t build up this world. They’re just tearing it down to spite the man that did.


Not that I think Blizzard will ever actually bring up the Loyalist again.

But I’m pretty sure that current “Ranger General Sylvanas” will likely be disgusted at the manipulations of her previous self and would, at best, pity those who were loyal to her. At worst, she’d be disgusted by them.

It’d be like looking back on the most shameful parts of your life, when you were doing the worst things ever -things that you deeply regret and now disagree with- and finding out there’s people that not only celebrate what you did, but think you should have gone further.


In Ardenweld if you’re loyalist flagged she mentions “You were loyal once…”


I meant in relation to this new Sylvanas.

Idk, my take on that is that he’s aware that EVERY cinematic stirs up at least a bit of a hornet’s nest somewhere.

Though in fairness, anyone could have seen from miles away that this would stir up a hornet’s nest of epic proportions with hornets the size of wolverines.


Just to note that getting paid to do a job does not mean you’re doing it well. Plenty of people are bad at their jobs and still manage to keep them, for all kinds of reasons.


… sigh whatever, blizz, whatever.

You’re correct. But the people who can do something about the possibility of someone acting on those death threats are the police, not us.

We as a community can and should (and mostly do) condemn the terrible behavior of the loud and wretched minority who send abuse and threats to people because they don’t like the way a video game story is going. Or for whatever reason, really.

We can also, while doing that, discuss the legitimate concerns and frustrations regarding the themes in the story.


But video games like WoW are telling a story, and the fact that they’re doing it in an interactive medium doesn’t change that. Yes, you can ignore the story and just think about game mechanics, but that’s just you ignoring the existing narrative. If your degree is in game development, I expect you know that. Not sure why you’re responding as though you don’t.

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Yeah, so now we know she wasn’t playing 5D chess after all, and was just being REALLY stupid, and it fits now more with the character we saw power sliding into Arthas.

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