Raid cinematic is out

Not malice tho, just pettiness.

IMO pettiness is more likely than stupidity, and stupidity more likely than malice.

Off topic but I don’t feel like making another thread just to ask, when is the Tyrande cinematic suppose to be out? Like at what renown/week is it up?

There is no way a grown man with a successful career would do that. No way. Quite frankly I don’t even think he personally cares for any of this. He’s just out of touch.



7th story chapter iirc

Whatever the speed of renown is.

gl hf

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Three weeks

Nah people are petty. Science, academia, religion, everyone is petty.

My favorite example of professional, breath-taking petty is what Oppenheimer said about Bohm when his theories went against the standing theories, “If we cannot disprove Bohm, we must agree to collectively ignore him.”


Great comic, but as a counter to this, a story for Pong or Tetris can’t be inferred in the same way if at all

Alright but are the bosses at Blizzard aware that people are unhappy with the story? Or are we really just a vocal minority and everyone else just doesn’t care as long as they get their Korthian treasures respawning quickly?

“Gameplay first!”

So long as MAU’s and subs are stable, they’re not gonna worry

It’s why they did BC and a 6-month mount right in time for this raid

So even if everyone now decides to quit, they have their paycheck for the quarter

Forrest Gump, college football star and decorated Vietnam War vet had spent years honing his skills at Table Tennis and was now headed to Communist China to represent his nation in that great sport…


rank 47 so, in a few weeks.

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the story of Tetris would probably be a humble soviet bricklayer doing his best to fulfill the increasingly insane demands of the politburo


I remember at one point this question was raised by Bellular although in relation to the gameplay. iirc there was a funny joke from Asmongold about the thing [language warning]:

Sadly, it does not look like a joke anymore [Bobby, you’re our last hope…].

Personal notes:

  • story team should also be included into the list of problems. It leads the interested audience to no better emotions than the conduit energy
  • usual sentiment is that the devs are not really pressured by activision. For now at least. The dezire to not invest into smaller things like RTS games and chase billion $ projects is on blizz alone it seems.

edit: It’s actually so sad conceptually. On paper I should support the devs over greedy publishers, etc. And yet… Maybe sometimes having management checking what’s going on is not a bad thing.

gl hf


You forgot…

But I’ll wait until after he powers up to do it!


Let’s not forget, we are talking about an archer who thought her best move was to powerslide into a soul sucking sword.


im mad im done im pissed


Two options I accept.

  1. she returns to the Horde and takes the reigns again.
  2. she stays in the Shadowlands and replaces the Arbiter.

everything else is not acceptable.

“You are nothing! You all are nothing

The Horde have more spine than to lick the boots of someone who said that.

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nathanos dies, sylvanas has feelings, the end.

Blizzard has made it very clear they don’t listen to or care about us and those claims that they hate the NE and Worgen communities? That most people sort shrugged off or laughed at? This cinematic proves every thing we been saying about blizzard for YEARS now.

Hope y’all who wanted this are happy, because I’m legit upset,angry and dumbfounded they thought this would go over well. :wolf:


And stupid enough to think shooting him would work?

She should’ve just"played it cool"and turned on him later

But I mean, Sylvanas having a heated gamer moment that ruins her plans is consistent with her character