Raid cinematic is out

They knew what they signed up for.

I swear to god, if at the end of SL, it’s Sylavans and Tyrande doing this before facing the Jailer…

Im going to lose it.


How? It proves Sylvanas’s goal was ultimately for the best, it proves her personality of “I do not serve” was intact. The Banshee Queen showed all the reasons why loyalists were still loyal to her in that moment before the Jailer gave her her soul back. She even had empathy for Nathanos, for Jaina, for Thrall, for Bolvar, and for Anduin.

That part of her does not disappear. It isn’t the Ranger General Replacing the Banshee Queen, it’s a melding of minds.


Sure getting played like a 2 year old baby is for the best


And the thing is, funny though this is, I am saddened by the missed opportunity.

Sylvanas getting her soul back is asinine and an implicit suggestion I was an idiot for ever thinking the character was complex or nuanced beforehand.

And the thing is - if she had been shown as mind controlled (which is a thing in this setting I CAN FING CAST IT) her snapping out of it at an Arthas like order would’ve been so cool. I can imagine grinning ear to ear and just thinking “My queen! I knew you’d break free!”.

Instead though no matter what they do now I still want Sylvanas to go out like this, with Tyrande, Voss and Calia playing the roles of Issacs, Buscemi, and Tambor respectively;

But I can’t have that. They won’t her let be the character I loved, nor the one I hated. Now she’s technically a new consciousness which I guess isn’t guilty of any of that. So - this is just extraordinarily dumb.


how do you figure she wasn’t even herself?

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She came across as evil levels of selfish. Willing to condemn endless amounts of souls as long as her nebulous goals are met.

Not sure why she expected to not be a servant of Endless Ego Omega Evil Satan Guy for as long as she “lives” or is useful.

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And then juxtapose this with Garrosh the Orciest Orc who was fascist because he was just too Orc suicide bombing the boss ignoring Thrall.

For why

To what end

Is it in character? Sure.

But what exactly are we supposed to take away from this? What is Thrall? Is this narrative closure?


That would be incredible for absolutely every wrong reason.

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While I’m at it

Why did they not use Lament of the Highborne for this fight? Riddle me this Nzoth.


Good riddance. They really didn’t know what to do with her after giving her the Warchief stamp.

At least Garrosh went out with his character intact, although I’m still disgusted they used him briefly for Shadowlands like that.

Nah, most Sylvanas loyalists hated her being a mustache-twirling villain in BfA. We sided with her to protest the decision of Blizz to villain-bat another Horde Warchief.

You lot were just not paying attention.

Nixxiom “Oh, she’s always been an iredeemable villain with no good sides whatsoever, lol Wrathgate” … :roll_eyes: :violin:

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How dare you use my own meme against me :smiling_imp:

I’m sure you think you know her on a “deeper” level and others just doesn’t understand! lmao. It was clear this was just her bad soul and the only thing that gets her to change her mind is “serving”, you were just loyal to the evil portion of her soul.

Now that I think about it. Are DKs likely in the same boat as Sylvanas regrading souls? DKs were made to be killing machines even without the Lich Kings influence.

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I mean, if they had to use him, at least they used him well.

Hah, I just spent the last 3 years arguing that Sylvanas was not going to be killed in a raid. For today I’m not interested in debating why I supported Sylvanas, especially not when feelings are so raw.

Probably won’t see me.

Im glad they finally validated my decision to cancel my sub. I was looking for confirmation, and here it is :smiley:


Yes, and I predicted as much after the burning because her character is too marketable, it was solidified in the 8.1 interview when they said the night elves got their revenge so that was planned on being thrown out, it was obviously going to happen especially when the lead narrative designer is in love with her. With the soul splitting thing now shown with uther though, loyalists were just in love with her evil portion, she was also only concerned with herself and “serving” someone.

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