Raid cinematic is out

Sylvanas flipped when she realized that when the Jailer said he was going to enslave “everyone” it included her lol

She might be the single dumbest character in WoW history. Not in terms of conceptually dumb, but in terms of making the dumbest possible decision at every opportunity.

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People who’ve stayed subbed for years without playing the game complaining about how they hope something changes are about as slow as Sylvanas was at understanding the Jailer was the bad guy.


No she didn’t. maybe it’s time to take the Loyalists PoV seriously now.

Clearly we saw something different and it’s why we followed her. Now with her soul restored everyone else will see what we saw this whole time.


Her redemption is coming in the form of restoring a fragment of her soul and essentially undoing her undeath. Chew on that for a moment

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Her redemption was her saying “I do not serve”, take that as you will.

Restoring a fragment, not overwriting who she already is.

Said by the one who served for years

A serial killer saying that he doesnt kill also doesnt redeem him


I used to think the plot of WoW was a tragedy. But now I realize… it’s a freaky comedy!

Stairs dance | Joker [UltraHD, HDR] - YouTube

Oh boy, looking forward to seeing people on the forums flip back and forth between whether any one of Sylvanas’ actions were “really” hers or not depending on whichever is convenient at the time for the next 20 years.

We’ll all be on our deathbeds in a long term care facility and still arguing about it


What do you mean? That’s Thrall, Jaina, and Bolvar’s jobs. I’m sure they’ll execute her on the spot…right? They’re edgy like that? People like edgy characters right?

Oh they’re milquestoast do-gooders…yeah no Sylvanas will be fine.

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Okay so like, realtalk moment.

What changed? What happened in this cinematic that could reasonably be the explanation for Sylvanas turning on the Jailer? Is it trying to kill them? She’s tried to kill them. brainwashing people? She brainwashed Derek. The Jailer telling her to work for him? She’s already been doing that, and according to the writers has been doing so since the end of Wrath.

What is different? Why does she suddenly decided to shoot him? There is literally nothing to trigger her change of heart.


This is now my personal canon.

(Quietly adds The Death of of Stalin to movie list…)


even though Sylvanas had her missing soul part restored and now she’s complete again. She still has no home, no kingdom, no faction, no family and no one to defend her, plus she has to face not only the judgemet of the Alliance, the judgement of the Horde and the Forsaken. It’s not going to be easy for her, but they have found a way to conveniently heal her ‘trauma’ so that now she can actually work towards earning a redemption.

As a long time Sylvanas fan that makes me sorta happy. Though I wish they didn’t go the ‘we magically healed her trauma’ route, so that we could forget about Arthas, but the possibility of having The Ranger General back is worth it.


What changed was at the moment of victory the Jailer’s first response was to force Jaina, Thrall and Bolvar to their knees and to mind control them like Anduin. And the Jailer admitting that he wanted to have everyone serve him rather than rewriting reality for the better.

It may be naive on Sylvanas’s part, but it is what it is.


Sylvanas is a milquetoast do-gooder now too. With her soul restored she’s practically a different person. It’s the inverse of how someone’s soul can be fragmented by being killed by Frostmourne or more broadly by being raised into undeath.

I think that if you’re a Forsaken fan you’re celebrating a bit too soon given that this is another big thing to add onto the pile of evidence towards undeath being an objectively bad thing that needs fixing.

her being duped because she’s naive was something that was always on the table.

Even Saurfang who was openly hostile towards her let her down because she expected better of him.


Why didn’t she flip the last 5000 times she’s done this? Why the 5001st time?

She didn’t object to mind controlling any one else before now. The only difference between at the end of the raid and what she’s been freely doing all this time is that SHE would be affected.


That doesn’t make sense.

As a loyalist you saw something in an incomplete soul that made you side with her. And you’re assuming that the missing piece being given back to her - presumably reintroducing missing qualities from the one you sided with - will vindicate your allegiance in the eyes of others?


I assume she felt that her being damned to the Maw was unfair… which makes less sense when you realize the only real reason she went there was due to the machinations of the Jailer.

So… basically Redemption. No Words really.

She was always uncomfortable with it, most people were just too angry about the story to see it. She failed to mind control Jaina’s brother, completely and utterly, and she showed actual concern with Anduin.

As to the in-game “controlling” it’s been canon for years that the Night Elves and everyone else raised by the Valkyr had free-will and weren’t being controlled despite in-game limitations to show that correctly.

That’s canon. That’s always been canon. At no point was it not canon. Everyone played themselves there that bought into the “Sylvanas controls the dead Night Elves” despite being told by Blizzard that was not true.