Raid cinematic is out

That’s the genius of it. The writers looked at what was being put out there, and realized that most players couldn’t possibly expect them to follow through with such a ham-fisted plot development.

So, what better way to subvert their expectations? This is some masterclass level writing, here.

Your move, George RR Martin.


Whatever else the cinematic showed, it confirmed that the Jailer put someone’s soul into Anduin’s mournblade. The crystal he plucked out of his pocket dimension looked the same as the one hammered into that sword.

Whose soul was it? Arthas’ perhaps?

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You know what was bad writing? The Siege of Dazar’alor was bad writing.

This is fine.

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I like what they did with Garrosh. He had his little anti-arc about how he doesn’t regret anything he did, and then bammed asap out of the story.

Why is Sylvanas turning on the Jailer now though? It makes no sense, did she not realize she was his stooge? She feels bad because the Jailer wrapped Bolvar, Jaina and Thrall in chains, but didn’t mind sending everyone she could to literal, actual Hell, to be tortured until they either became brainwashed slaves of literal, actual Satan or used as fuel for his war engines?

Would have felt better if she had been selfish about it, you betrayed me, and then she got her good half back. Her bad half was already having doubts, I guess.


Thats just the way they do things.



in Edge of Night when her soul was restored to her body she felt ‘the full extent of her emotions’ as well as pain, she probably just passed out from the pain.

I don’t hate it. You’ll have to find some other loyalist to commiserate with lol


Most players don’t give two craps about the story. It was inevitable that would be abused to write a story primed to go on forever, a la trash Japanese comics.

Aside: is your character name sourced to Aderyn from Katherine Kerr’s Deverry cycle?

If they had Sylvanas just get killed by Tyrande, and pulled an Uldren Sov later on with strictly her good half taking over an unexpectedly resurrected corpse, it could have at least given Night Elf fans the satisfaction while continuing to have some form of Sylvanas while we got to cool off from her for a while.

They chose the dumbest way for something already iffy.


I like to think of it as a roller coaster. You spend hours waiting to ride it, studying all the ups and downs as you make your way forward. You get to the front, they strap you in, and you start the high climb to the first drop. You know what’s coming and take a deep breath before the plunge.

But even braced for it, sometimes your stomach still leaps to your throat.


Rides not over yet!

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Surprise… Sylvanas flying away or forgiven immediately, guess it was the latter.

So nice of them to glorify the genocide of the Night Elves after their souls have already been obliterated in the maw

Jesus this is insulting


This is true. Why write a story ‘arc’ when a flat line will keep that sweet subscription cash flowing in?

And no, I’ve actually never even heard of that story.

It’s too bad the fanbase all cheered on Thrall, Jaina, and Bolvar becoming peacemongers, eh?


Now that’s a Monkey’s Paw.

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Even One Piece and Bleach is more coherent than this.


Not surprised, Blizzard loves to redeem genocidal killers.


Doesn’t this really throw the loyalist under the bus now? They were loyal to an objectively evil person who wasn’t even really Sylvanas.


Loyalists were loyalists because they liked the evil sylvanas. Or I guess her just being “hot”.

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I feel like the writing team and direction tries to write things far more complex than they are actually capable of/willing to execute properly, and lacks pressure to maintain a consistent set of plot threads in favor of very flavor of the patch storytelling.

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