Raid cinematic is out

I’m feeling pretty good, not gonna lie.

I’m not going to rub it in though, I know there’s a lot of hard feelings right now so I’ll see you all in a few days!



They could have at least just killed Banshee Sylvanas and then had the other soul gain its body which gets resurrected in the process. Would still be somewhat stupid, but at least is distinctly a different person who didn’t make the over ghe top evil decisions that are weird for the sudden second thoughts.


Oh I loved this cinematic.
I am free. I can’t care any more, its just laughter now.

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How are you happy when “ranger general sylvanas” is not the same sylvanas you like? This story isn’t even for the sylvanas simps


I honestly didn’t think it was possible for Blizzard to disappoint me anymore than they already had. I had thought I was finally free from this BS. I was sure that, no matter what happened, I wasn’t invested enough to care.

But oh boy was I wrong. It is honestly impressive at this point. Blizzard might be trailblazing a new form of Story Telling with this. To so expertly and efficiently deliver disappointment at such a constant, exponential level, yet still avoiding utter satire, is bloody art.


I’m fine that she survived but surely you also realize that her Good Half being thrown back into her body means she’s no longer the Banshee Queen we are familiar with entirely and like has magical personality shifts?

Same as Uther when he reunited his soul fragment.



I’m finally at Blizz’s level. I figured the plot would do the dumbest possible thing and it exceeded my expectations.

And they got Jania, Thrall and Bolvar as her judges. You know, the three characters she actually hasn’t directly wronged ever.

If any wronged party gets to interact with her - calling it now - it’s Tyrande having a redux of her interaction with the Dark Warden in SR, and Calia saying she’ll pray for her or some ish.

Are there bets on this ish going on in Vegas because I will put money on that claim this instant.


Hahahaha, the Garrosh scene was the only good cutscene to come out of shadowlands.


This was the Horde’s Varian sacrifice moment.

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My point was about why the Lightforged Draenei’s reaction was illogically out of character. Arguing to justify Illidan’s choice doesn’t change that. Sounds like you’re saying “claim to fight for free will, and you can justify doing anything”.

I agree with you about Blizzard ignoring consequences of a story - and I think that the giant sword stuck in Azeroth is going to be ignored until a writers comes up with a way it can serve the plot… just like how Azeroth is still supposed to be bleeding to death.

Illidan never said to Velen anything about the Light blinding him, he criticized Velen for fleeing instead of fighting (even though Illidan himself fled to Outland, and at least Velen never bent the knee unlike Illidan) and said the Light was holding him back (for good reason since the Void Lords/Old Gods are still out there - and Illidan didn’t plan for them).

The only people in Legionfall who knew about Xe’ra were Velen, Khadgar and the PCs, no one else would have anything to say so your “he killed her cos he knew she wouldn’t relent” makes no sense (plus if that was the case, he wouldn’t have bothered talking to her - “I gave up that destiny long ago”). By the way, it’s funny how Illidan kept saying “Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced” with others such as Akama, but when someone else does it to him, suddenly he’s all “My destiny is my own”.

The Light/Army of the Light’s biggest victory was discovering the secret of the Burning Legion’s immortality - the world-soul of Argus (Xe’ra was even the first one to have that vision). See the audio book “A Thousand Years of War”. We wouldn’t have known about that if not for them. That’s at least as good as blowing up Nathrezar - a legit victory too, credit where credit is due.


1: You think the meme, “This isn’t my final form” best suits the Jailer?

2: It seems Sylvanas…got her soul back? I have no idea what take from this. Makes sense “serve” is a trigger word for her. But at this point its like I said in another post: “Ill take what I can get”. If she dies I want it on her terms. Not by Horde/Alliance players.

3: Ill give Garrosh this much, he still has pride in all he has done. Hell was a stone throw away and he still didn’t want to repent. Pretty hard for me to miss him tho since he was a racist fascist and I been though enough of that in 2020. :roll_eyes:


I already made peace with this storyline weeks ago when it was headed in this direction.

Whatever keeps Sylvanas in the story and Patty Matson employed by Blizzard I’ll accept. I already said that on here.

We’ll just see what happens.

For now I’m happy that the Sylvanas I know, the “I do not serve” Sylvanas, was still there.


Ah but Tyrande no longer wants revenge so that point is moot.

Calia is just gonna make the sign of the Phi and agree she should be forgiven

And then Sylvanas will abdicate the throne to Calia.

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Sure I guess?

Idk that seems like more of a petty reason than anything

Its not even your character

They pretty much did that with Arthas. We killed the “Death Knight Arthas / Lich King Arthas” persona Ner’zhul created via Frostmourne and he dies in his fathers arms like a scared child. Clearly showing that the Arthas that dies is the one that was trapped in Frostmourne from the moment he picked up the blade.

But I guess they wanted to be even more stupid when it comes to Sylvanas

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I don’t care. After having one of my favorite characters driven through the mud for years, for today I am happy. I refuse to be negative and distraught at what is essentially a comic book story.


I mean good for you but it isn’t even consistent lol

This story is for nobody

Gaiman and Kirby could literally be cross faded on 8 different substances and write better than this c’mon man

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Did this cinematic give anyone else closure? Like… “Eh I think I have seen enough, the weekly episodic tease doesnt do it for me anymore. I will catch up the rest of the season when all the episodes come out.”

you know? that vibe.
I have to say. it feels wonderful.