Raid cinematic is out

So she was fine with Zovaal enslaving Anduin against his will, turning him into a puppet… until he got all 5 sigils. Does this character even have a brain at this point?


Somebody more experienced than me put in SL cinematics into this video. I’m not even mad. This is shlock. This is total and complete shlock and I hope it gets even dumber because it certainly can’t become smart at this point.


Well, explains its screw ups. Machines can do only so far as the wisdom of the individual programming them.

But why then is Zooval so much more “powerful” than the other Eternals if he´s just one of them?

Yup, good ol´ Blizz recycling stuff: people, I present to you Sargeras on his Emo/Death phase!!


And it was well after he had been enslaved for a while. Like what?

The thing is, Illidan knows his power isn’t the best solution. He even admits he’s made mistakes (the “scars” he refers to before blowing Xe’ra into space dust.). But, he also knows that to be “redeemed” like that would not only go against everything he stood for, but would in turn amount to nothing. It would be too easy for him to embrace the Light and have those “scars” burned from him. He knows he’ll be hated, likely even killed for what he does. He however wants it to be his choice, not have it forced upon him. Keep in mind, in the cinematic that takes place before they leave for Argus, he questions Velen about his devotion to the Light, and how it could blind him. After Argus is killed, and Illidan chooses to be Sargeras’ Jailer, the messages he has the “Champion” deliver to Tyrande and Malfion even hint at this. He highlights the choice Tyrande made to prefer Malfurion over him as her choice.

In the end, Illidan knows what he did wasn’t the best thing. However, it was his choice, and in the end, it was a good choice. The Light had millennia to defeat the Legion, and by all accounts, it was getting its tail kicked at every turn. What else was Illidan supposed to do but think that the Light would have little chance at taking out the Legion for good. The Illidari are an extension of his “Use the enemy’s strength against them” philosophy. In fact, one of the biggest victories against the Legion outside of the War of the Ancients (and later the Third War) was done by the Illidari (The destruction of “Nathreza” in Illidan). The Light, to our knowledge, has yet to have a victory on that scale.

So, when Xe’ra tries to Lightforge him, he sees it as being forced upon a path doomed to failure. And he knows from his own experiences in Illidan and likely what he would have been told by his own Illidari or other members of Legionfall, that Xe’ra wouldn’t have given up on him.

As for the “Souls going to the Maw” issue, keep in mind, Blizz overlooks things like that all the time. Sargeras’ sword in Silithus, anyone? I’d be surprised if it’s ever resolved.

Where were you when you realized Lord Godfrey was the best character in this god forsaken game.


Not sure if the “best” but indeed the smarter at the very least.


Was that towards me or someone else?

Oh sorry, didn´t put on the quote beforehand.

It´s a commment derived from Drach´s one.

I’m legitimately laughing at this point. It’s like…everybody knew it was going to be unsatisfying. We all knew that something like this was going to inevitably happen. And you think to yourself “It can’t possibly take me aback. I’ve prepared myself too well for this travesty.”

But actually watching it is something else.

At least it was entertaining in a “I can’t believe the writers actually went with this predictable ‘twist’” sort of way.


So…is Sylvanas meant to be alive again?

'Cuz I’m not sure passing out is supposed to be a thing undead do. Let alone an undead who’s basically a semi-tangible banshee hitching a ride in her own corpse.

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No she has the ability to feel bad for the bad things she has done.
So the over the top smugness is gone.

You know what they say?

Burn down my World Tree and people, shame on you.

Help Thanos collect the Infinity Stones, damning everyone to hell, and then get cold feet passed the threshold? Shame on me.

Pretty sure she’s been KO’d before.




This is just so bad.

  • Garrosh suicide bombing the boss unapologetic of his sins after the devs blamed his behavior on racial disposition while Thrall gets zero closure from Garrosh’s dying words to him
  • Sylvanas Good Half Soul being chucked back into her body, eyes turning Lich King Blue from Maw Red, left to the mercy of Thrall and Jaina, with a likely Arbiter tie in

I’m just saying there’s no point to being offended or upset. WoW has been making me laugh since 8.3 when Wrathion had an impromptu Star Fox 64 boss fight with N’Zoth’s carapace.

And thus far they’ve not failed in making me burst out laughing. First it was Anduin getting snatched up like a seagul snapping up a sandwich in Stormwind, then it was Baine sitting around looking useless in the Afterlife Airport, and now we have this glorious stupidity.

If you’re trying to engage in these stories on a non Mysterious Science Theater 3000 level you’re not playing the game right.


Pretty much what everyone feels right now for different reasons obviously but Blizzard has unified us all.

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What amazes me is really that they looked at the player speculation and went ahead and did the specific plot threads that the vast majority despised lmao


That’s where I am currently.