Raid cinematic is out

You may very well do both. I guess this is the ultimate “wake up call” regading taking the narrative of this game with any modicum of seriousness.

It´s just a bad joke, a “parody” of the actual story of the game.

The devs are literally trying to give us brain damage while they metaphorically chant: WHY SO SERIOUS?!? STOP TRYING TO TAKE THIS GAME SO SERIOUSLY!!! IT´S JUST A FREAKING GAME, YOU WEIRD NERD!!!

Anomaly. You may call him Anomaly.

But of course they will, Baal!!

I repeat: PARODY comedy.

Won´t you get in trouble for actually giving us direct insight on the creative process?


Definitely in Snakes on a Plane or Willy’s Wonderland territory.

As a campy comedy, this expansion is killing it.


Illidan got away practically scot-free with killing a naaru in front of a literal army of her followers - followers who owed Xe’ra their lives since the naaru helped escape Argus after Sargeras’ offer and loyally served her for millennia across several generations (Lightforged Draenei are confirmed to have non-Lightforged kids, so the Army of the Light was reproducing) - with the closest thing he got to a consequence being a small cut on his hand from Turalyon.
Plus he wanted to be Sargeras’ Jailer, so there’s no punishment there (in that cinematic no one made him stay and look at the relish on his face when Sargeras is imprisoner by the other Titans). That looks like of lack of consequences to me. What say you?

I agree completely with everything you said about Sylvanas.

Speaking of story consequences, our characters still haven’t dealt with that “all souls are still going to the Maw” problem. People are dying all over the cosmos, and now with the Arbiter dead or even more powerless, their souls are still going to the Maw but now it’ll be harder to restore the Arbiter (I fear they’re going to give the Arbiter’s job to Sylvanas and then the Kerrigan arc will be complete).


Yup, real hilarious. They took the biggest complains and fears of the playerbase invested on the story and went 100% with them… it´s like a massive middle finger to us for daring to take this seriously.

Message received Blizzard… No complains from now onwards story related, I at least got it (hopefully, like for my own good).


I don’t even have to argue with you anymore, I was always right. Sure, she’ll face judgement but the Ranger General is BACK!!!


The concept that Forsaken have been working with a partial deck, which is why most of them are mentally messed up is by far not a new plot development, we just didn’t have a specific reason beyond speculation their soul was reattached weird.


In the whimsical land of Blizzard Entertainment, I see no better option!

Blizzard: This won’t be a Garrosh 2.0, don’t worry guys…

Makes Garrosh 2.0

Blizzard: …

Blizzard: I got it! Lets make Slyvanas “sacrifice” herself to forever be the warden of the Jailer.

Anduin: Slyvanas, we’ve done all we can.
Slyvanas: Every choice, every sacrifice has lead me to this moment. To face HIM once again.

Anduin: … you are not coming with us?
Slyvanas: Life is nothing… without Death. Did you not see this “fate” Little Lion?
Anduin: Fate? Our survival was never in “fates’” hands…

Anduin: Light be with you, General Windrunner



Where the hell were you right? You’re completely inconsistent in your psychobabble, and you have no idea what the meaning of a word like vindication means. The Ranger-General is a character who hasn’t existed for years, and apparently she has the situational awareness of a hamster.

You were right about nothing.


Said Naaru was also trying to Lightforge him against his will. Illidan can plausibly argue self-defense in this one, and all but the most zealot AOL member would agree with him.


Well Anomaly… I did mention waay back on one thread (don´t remember which one right now) about how actually INCOMPETENT were the Helves military wise when just disabling their fancy shield caused the death of 90% of their whole population by zombie attack… no space ships, no heavy artillery… simple zombies.

Is is any surprise to see Sylvanas acting so… ridiculously naive and her absolute lack of self awareness?

i mean, i like Belves and NOT Helves for a reason, dude.


There is such a thing as excessive force in self defense. If he could break free, he didn’t need to kill her. Plus we don’t see anyone saying that to the Army of the Light, and speaking of lack of consequences, killing the leader of an allied army while in enemy territory is totally a smart move.

Also, nothing to say about the rest of my comment?

I hope Sylvanas gets to have a group hug with all of the Night Elf souls when they forgive her.


I cant wait for the Sylvanas and Tyrande teamup!

What’s there to say? We agree about Sylvanas, and honestly, everyone can see that twist coming a mile away. Which means, if this cinematic is anything to go by, that’s what’s going to happen.

CoEN 2 electric boogaloo.

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Blah blah blah nothing was ever her fault blah, it’ll be the people who want her held accountable who were the REAL bad guys, never her!


a lot of ppl need 2 calm down

i see ppl insulting danhouser and goldan on twitter saying rly mean things

if ur 1 of them u r scum, tehy are ppl 2

shave ur nekcbeard and fcus on somthing taht matter


Tel’drassil is FREEEEEEEEE!!!1!!!

All jokes aside, it could be WAYYYYYY worse, yall are making a bigger deal out of this than it is. I was expecting some “haha I was right all along, 4D chess grandmaster boiiii” but we got “im dumb and scared and sad”

I’ll take it over them justifying her genocide cuz she was gonna stop the jailer or what have you

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Do you not realize thats what is coming next?