Holy wall of text batman.
- In P4 with current scaling direction, Sunder will overtake Homunc.
- Homunc is a 2min CD so if the little guys get nuked, there it goes. (Or if there’s more than one target within a 2 minute timeframe.
Homunc is nice if you don’t have a warrior, but it’s a stop gap, not a replacement.
I doesn’t stack with any other classes’ buffs, it’s additive, and like WF, it’s party only so you’re going to have at least one per melee group.
And warriors will continue to do more damage, it just won’t be 2-3x that of over classes who don’t scale multiplicatively with gear.
Yes, warriors may not be able to press a button every GCD. This is how it’s always been for other classes, and with the resource rebalancing coming to everyone in P4 (not just warriors) I will hit them just as hard.
The concern isn’t warrior damage too high. (If it was the damage being too high, Warlocks and Mages would’ve gotten pooped on too after P2.)
The concern is that warrior damage will continue scaling when everyone else plateaus. (Making them the default DPS such as in Vanilla.)
I know they said they would like to buff instead of nerf where possible, but some things just have to be fixed.
(Double stack RB was one of those things…even if I think they went about it in a dumb way instead of a smart way.)
Vanilla Warrior Rage gen is another of those things. We all see it coming because it’s what it’s been for 20 years of vanilla.
Those are also getting rebalanced in P4, this isn’t just warriors biting the resource bazooka- it’s just the first time they will have done so in a classic vanilla iteration.
I will admit, I kinda smiled at a warrior having to justify a raid slot against a shaman. Enhancement shamans just didn’t get to raid in that environment.
But there’s a couple things you’re forgetting.
- The buffs
- That warrior abilities are designed without windfury, so when they have it, they go through the roof. (That’s why Warriors are above Shaman even now in mid P3 before they’re geared all the way up for damage to bosses in every percentile above 75th.)
- They also can off-tank. (Considerably better than Shaman now with the RB nuking.)
You’re asking the wrong class that kinda…
All mystuff outside of MSW procs are on CDs, some of them are shared CDs.
(Also lets wait until the rubber meets the road before start throwing numbers out of just how much less Warriors will be able to do.)
That’s about to happen, lol. It’s not just Warrior resource getting normalized.
(The only difference is, those other classes didn’t have the broken resource mechanics to begin with…so they were given viability through broken resource, and will be brought back to the middle, warriors are the only ones that escaped the balance pass in the first place to be brought back to the middle…so they’re getting it here…)
That’s because Warriors scale multiplicatively due to their resource mechanic.
World buffs are just one more curtain in the kitchen fire. I’d rather put out the kitchen fire than remove a curtain from it.
I think with Rage normalized, that actually opens up warriors to getting some actual COOL runes instead of just the passive workings within their resource.
They couldn’t give warriors any super damage runes like Lava Burst, Mutilate, or VP, because it would fill their rage bar up. Normalization solves that problem and opens the door for cool things, while also normalizing the class like what should’ve happened in Vanilla instead of waiting until TBC prepatch…
Nope, but it probably wasn’t a priority in Phase 1, 2, or 3 since the resource scaling becomes drastic at level 60.
Most other classes had to be brought UP to being competitive.
Warriors are the only ones that started out with being dominant because of the resource scaling…
And like I said (from Blizz) ALL classes are getting nerfs to resource Generation in P4.
I’m glad you recognize this.
I’m sure they would’ve if they could have, but they have a pretty small team (for an annoying reason) and have to prioritize fixes.
Stormstrike wasn’t fixed until Phase 2, because it wasn’t a problem in Phase 1.
Rage Gen didn’t get fixed in phase 1, 2, or 3, because it’s not really a problem until level cap.
I still want my weapon buffs to last longer than 5 minutes…and that’s been a problem since the first hour of SoD.