Radiant Glory Bug?

Hi folks! Ret player here. I was able to hop into the game last night and run a couple of keys just to have fun with the talents, nothin’ crazy just a 12 and 13. High enough that I could pay attention to what the new talents were doing damage wise, and I had a blast! The only thing is (aside from us not having the correct talents in the game atm), it appeared that Wake of Ashes does not always activate Radiant Glory. Has anyone else noticed this? Has this already been reported and I’m just not seeing it? I just wanted to check and see if I’m going crazy or if any of you folks have experienced this too.

If WoA is not activating Radiant Glory every time, that’s a pretty big deal and if others are seeing this too I’ll go ahead and start a bug report.


yup did a couple raids and experienced the same thing. wings just not activating most of the time when i use wake of ashes


that’s a pretty massive deal. i wonder if it is technically still going on cooldown


hi i was able to figure it out why sometimes Radian glory is not activating our wings

the issue is related to our 4 set (Echoes of wrath) if you use wake of Ashe during the animation of our second divine storm/Final verdict Radian glory will not proc our wings. hope blizzard can fix it fast


Oh wow, ok thank you so much for the info! And also I’m glad to see I wasn’t just imagining things. I am otherwise having a great time on my pally, so let’s hope this is a quick and easy fix.

Hmm, that’s a good observation. It would definitely explain why I wasn’t having it consistently fail to activate, but sporadically.

I just tested it and that for sure is reproducible now.

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I noticed at least 4 applications and 7 reapplications last night when having a look at it on the training dummy in Valdrakken for about 90sec, at least. It’s definitely the proc from the 4pc that’s causing Radiant Glory to be bugged.

Hopefully Blizz fixes this this week in some sort of live hotfix, perhaps?

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It just got fixed on beta apparently, addez recently alongside infinite damage nerfs.

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Yeah. (sigh)

I made a post about this.

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is it fixed on the live pre-patch, or do we have to wait until TWW goes live?

I didn’t get a chance to play last night, I’ll be on today and take a look.

Bug is still in effect on live as of the time of this message.


I always thought RG was trash becsuse of how low the procs were but i played Beta last night and it actually felt decent. Still think the duration of the wings proc should be highter maybe 7-8 seconds but besides that its not half bad as running full wings.

It’s another playstyle for sure.
I don’t mind it, personally.

I think it gives nice interaction opportunities with our Hero specs and utilizing Wings power with the effect/abilities they provide.

But I think they struck a nice balance with it.

I tested it out with the new Herald buffs, still feels really lackluster but with templar it feels pretty good

Yeah the fact that it gives 1 beam with RG, if I recall correctly, makes it feel kind of bad.