Radiant Echoes Improvements Are Now Live

I mean, I’m as salty as anyone, but I’m not above giving credit where it’s due. That said, I’m well aware that we shouldn’t be in this position at all. But if they are taking steps to rectify it, it’s better late than never. :man_shrugging:

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Sometimes it takes more then the “minority” on the PTR pointing things out to smack sense into Blizzard as they take feedback into consideration but have little clue how it will actually be once live.

They do stuff, they are just very selective. Remix was ignored for the better part of a month.

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“We are increasing memory drops by 100%!! Now random mobs will drop 2 memories!”



This feels more in line with the DF pre patch and elementals in the Barrens. That was a better event.

This one felt low in comparison. +1 rewards and only really 1 of the 3 bubbles being engaged with a really long timer in between the next boss in a particular zone.

Or if it had been an hour boss spawn staggered on each of the portals by 20 minutes.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

You spotted players using one of the most interesting features of the Warband system you just introduced, and you deactivated it so players don’t feel compelled to play your game more…got it. Very coherent design philosophy coming from Blizzard.


Seems a bit sus that they sent kaivax to almost point people to join the test server in a rush…

It’s totally not blizzard like move for sure…

No. You get that monkey’s paw out of here right now!

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This prepatch brought more than say an event it’s a systematic change of how the game operates moving forward. So expect issues and fixes are being deployed and sure the event should’ve gone better but hey it’s how it is and atleast they have said something and doing something about the problems.

So, not 5-10 minutes.

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Kaivax is a messenger. It’s in poor taste to “shoot” the messenger, so to speak. It’s not their fault. lol


If this works as I am interpreting it then this should fix 99% of the issues outside of the lag and that I will happily endure


yes. this is brand new. impatience was invented in 2009 by a ‘zoomer’ on a hoverboard


No no, we’re talking about the prepatch event (and the fact that it’s just a recolor of previous events); please try to stay on task. We’re not talking about Warbands or Transmog or Hero Talents.

But since you want to broaden the scope of this, I believe it to be unacceptable that the patch dropped to live with so many bugs after it had been play tested for months - bugs that had been reported but still shipped, a continued trend. It’s unacceptable that the PTR is as broken as it is with barely a month to go to launch. They need more time, and this company’s inability to be honest with people who pay 15.00$/month is disgraceful and has been for years.


good news, thank you for the update

With the change to the weekly quest becoming daily and once per account, this might not be needed as such a thing would be more to allow people to switch to alts if they so wanted.

Did anyone else reflexively click on the play button in this post? lol

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I’m having an issue where the blue memory drops, the item you can combine 20 into a solidified essence is a little bugged. I have 18 of a kind, and received mail of 5 I missed in battle, and it won’t let me put the items in my bags.

I call BS on this because if you look at games like FF14, which have no public PTR and pass launches with flying colors with very little bugs, and the bugs that you have to go out of your way to find and have hardly any repercussions on gameplay.

It’s been like this at blizzard to release half-:peach:ed patches for quite some time now.


Id say it would depend on how fast you get from memories resurfacing to boss kill. If you can do the entire thing in 5-10 min then maybe?