Radiant Echoes Improvements Are Now Live

Changes: it takes me an hour to level 3 characters to max.

No changes: it takes me weeks to level 3 characters to max.

I can’t even with this nonsense. LOL

they made them daily so therefore likely dropped the xp

So just kill bosses to level alts instead of doing them in Remix?

Dinner time! Can’t wait to come back to the changes! Hopefully once it’s live, people will finally comprehend what they refused to read from Kaivax and others.

i guess that’s the method, though remix might be faster, but those characters are still locked for a bit

why is it that everytime you release something. theres always that day or two days that yall try to pull something completely out of tune with the rest of the populance? why is there that one person in your team that always wants to try and JAB your customers. why even TRY.

THIS IS A GAME we play to have fun. we come from work. wasting away for 8 - 12 hours days and want to enjoy your product. why do we have to get punched in the gut one last time before you finally bend the knee.

be better blizzard think " how can we please our customers with the simplest of gestures " instead of " how do we sucker them into playing for a few more hours longer to make some dumb metric go up? "


yea right sounds like what you hear from a cheap company when an employe ask for a raise.

So they nerfed the quest turning them with the new changes, understood. Then what I was saying prior isn’t invalid based on the information given and Sendryn is just showing they’re an actual child, lol.

Why have you not been playing Remix if you wanted to level multiple toons?

Legitimately bad change. So if we have alts they won’t be able to gear up as easily because its bound to just once a day per account? This is not very alt friendly…

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I did, but I have a bunch of level 45 horde characters I want to level up that I haven’t touched since legion.

you get 1500 every boss kill now, its a lot faster than before

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Blizz has redeemed themselves upon this day! THEY LISTENED!! :heart_eyes:

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are you real? people were making constant lvl 10s to make up for the terrible amounts of currency. this is obviously a terrible way to play the game. now instead we get to just log in and get the daily rewards …daily and get a good amount of the resource we need to gear at a good pace through the days.

sure a bunch of hyper house cavemen wont have their little exploit but this is good for normal players overall

Gearing up alts is now way way easier :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ah good. Are the changes live or still on PTR?

I deleted all my low level toons and leveled new ones in Remix, now I have 65 level 70’s.

You do you, of course, but that seemed the best way forward to me.

Unless I’m reading this wrong:

The quest gave conquest track gear weekly.
You could get N pieces over a week if you had N alts.
Now you’re limited to 7.

It’s a net nerf for heavy altoholics.

Up to veteran, it got a whole lot easier.

ptr for now still