Radiant Echoes Improvements Are Now Live

Called it, they implement hotfixes to make it better, which is how it should have been from the start, and people sing them praises. As long as people sing them praises for making something how it should have been from the start, they will keep making things intentionally bad.


I feel for you lol, and I’m sure anybody else having Uni or the like creep up on them around this time of year does too. With how much the buffs are being reported to be and how long this event is projected to last, hopefully the FOMO won’t be as overbearing when the live client gets the changes.

Sky, Weather, Rain, Doofenschmirtz!

I have absolutely never swapped to hide. Ever. Everyone knows I swapped from Thallia to Sen this expansion because he’s my main.

Let’s stop turning this thread into some trash fest about me. Thanks.

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Fix insane lag during the event.

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Since they haven’t posted the numbers themselves, here’s what Wowhead has found for the increased drops:


Where does it end? For example, alts were getting a cache with a piece of gear for the 1st quest. They also got drake crests AND flightstones. Are drake quests or flightstones account wide? NO. So ALTS should be able to do quests for themselves to earn these currencies.

What if Emissary of War became a 1 toon quest, TONS of people would be furious, this is the same thing.

Quests that give rewards ESPECIALLY a currency reward or gear piece NEED to be able to be done on EVERY character

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! holds arms out Come here for a free hug :smiley:

  • Killing the Remembered Boss now awards **1400-1500 [ Residual Memories] per kill, up from 500. In addition to this, the Remembered Boss also drops 2-5 [Drake’s Awakened Crest] per kill.
  • As of the testing on the PTR, these drops are NOT daily locked!

Hard confirmation we’ll be getting this done way faster compared to before (~2.2k per event per 1.5 hours) then, nice.

If that is the case, I stand corrected, I apologize. I wasn’t implying you changed to hide, I honestly thought you were ashamed of your forum actions on that avatar so changed it as part of turning over a new leaf. It seems I was wrong.

Also, not trying to pick on you, I honestly think you are trying to be a good person and are not fully aware of how snide, condescending, and mean you come off to others around here. You post enough that it comes up pretty regularly and I remember you for it.

Again, I’m sorry if I mischaracterized why you changed posting avatars, that sounds like my mistake.

Back to the topic: I hope these changes coming make everybody happy.

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You do know that warband gear can go into your warband bank and be taken out by what ever toons can equip it right .

None of the gear is BOA unless it is class specific.
You only need to run alts if you are using it to level them and to be honest you’d be better off right now using MoP remix for that.

You do know people who want to gear alts need a lot more currency then people just gearing 1 toon, and therefore should have the ability to do the quests on each toon to help get said character per each toon they want to gear

You: makes a post

Random people:


They’ve done this song and dance a million times stop giving them credit.

This shouldn’t have been released in this asinine state to begin with.


Level on Pandaria remix, it’s infinitely faster.

Why even bother putting a timer on the zones, if they’re dailies/weeklies anyways? Why not just remove the timer, that way people can access the zones and complete them at their convenience? Once they complete the zone missions then the portal will no longer be accessible and the yellow text above it will be removed. That way people can track which zones they’ve completed because the ones they’ve not completed will have the yellow text above it with whatever text you wish to display.

This event is not enjoyable at all, sorry to say. Not everyone has the time to sit around for an hour and a half to wait for each mission to appear. Especially since every mission seems to get bugged in one way or the other. I’ve tried 3 different radiant echoes missions at different times and have not been able to complete 1 of them due to mechanics not working.

Even those of us who have extra time don’t enjoy pressing a button and having it go of 10 seconds later.


Great improvements, can you guys maybe spend our sub money on upgrading the servers next? Pressing buttons and them going off 20 seconds later isnt too fun.

So we will increase the rewards slightly but you can do quest once per day per account XD XD XD XD

Blizzard can’t make anything right i swear