Radiant Echoes Improvements Are Now Live

Okay, but what’s the difference ultimately if it doesn’t affect actual game play? Things like darkmoon faire prize tokens being able to funnel to one character isn’t affecting or giving an edge on the game for those that have the extra free time and wish to do so. That’s the same as what this event is and why it shouldn’t be nerfed. No one gets an edge on anyone by playing the game longer or more. If someone wishes to have 50 alts and get them to max and cycle them up to having all 480 ilvl through using this event, how does this benefit them more than someone taking their game time and pushing into high m+ right now?

Edit: Meant prize tokens originally so fixed so it says that.

Remember what I said in another thread Karens are gonna Karen

Some people are just glass is half empty types and will always find something to complain about .

It like they go " Well yes it is good but not good enough for me"

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There is no quests for the alts though now - quests that were giving 493 gear and crests. Plus who knows how the XP is going to change. I leveled up a character from 55 to 70 already and another from 55 to 62 already.

Yeah i dont know what the xp difference is.

But i do know you will be getting a lot more gear now than you were before.
With the event always up and gear dropping more often, as well as earning more currency to buy it with, i dont think anyone will be struggling to gear up any more.

What about the costs? Kaivex mentioned about upping the rewards costs. Is it a huge difference from live?

Gear you can’t upgrade without doing other content. We should be able to earn crests in that content.

I think the costs are the same. They are upping the amount of currency you get, not how much the items cost. Unless I seriously misread.

The costs didnt go up.
The ammount of memories you get did.
So things are effectively a lot cheaper than before.


Can i ask if im missing something, or why i cannot enchant the event necks with sockets?
I didnt play DF since end of S2 so my knowledge is limmited when it comes to these things.
Did the neck enchants got some restrictions or just these 493 necks cannot be socketed for some random reason?

Except you can get a crap ton of experience leveling alts even if they can’t do the quests.

This is false. People on PTR are getting a level per boss kill.

It’s getting ridiculous. I’ve now posted the information we have TWICE and these same people are still whining.

… did you not read?


that gear can’t be disenchanted either which is odd - so it might have something to do with the restrictions they put on that gear.

Just so I’m understanding you correctly, you’re saying that the initial 3 quests don’t provide much if any experience? Because if it does still give quite a bit of experience (Which I believe it does), what I said still holds true.

I have you on ignore remember. If you annoy enough people no one reads your posts.

It’s currently not catch-up gear for alts, since you can very easily gear up through LFR with better drops, bullion items, and actually get tier set as well. For gear, there’s really no reason to do this event. The gear just isn’t good.

I guess you can use this gear on your MoP characters since those don’t have access to LFR right now, but otherwise, just do LFR or M+ instead. It’s faster and better.


This gear is wonderful for my mage who is stuck in DF season 2 stuff, but it’s a shame he won’t be able to convert what I send him into tier.

You say that as if I’m not on alt #17 as I type this lmao. Trust me - you want to be doing this at a different pace than its current setting.

I never said a word about the initial three quests. I’m telling you that people are leveling massively fast on PTR by continually doing the event in the zone over and over again. One person told me the following in Discord:

I don’t know what more you want.

And yet you responded to me and that has zero to do with not reading the blue post.



She has a bad habit of starting off helpful-ish…but quickly descends into snide and passive-aggressive spitting at other posters. I think at some point they even had to change avatars over it. Sad, because I think they want to be a good person, and don’t realize how mean and condescending they come off.

…not that I am totally innocent of that either, but here we are.


I appreciate the changes they’re making due to feedback, I really do.

But this change only forces you to do it one way. I was farming the event every hour and a half on all my alts because it’s my day off and I want to get as much of this out of the way so I don’t have to do it later.
Other people are fine with doing it on one character then going to do something else.
It’s a choice, and they took it away.

(I want to clarify this is about turning the weekly that you could do on alts into a daily that will be per-account
Literally just let me do the daily on all of my alts. I have 300k+ worth of currency purchases to make. Let me do it.)


its typically been when the next tier starts.